thanks man, i moved the cham to a cooler part of the apartment.. the ambient temp is like between 65 and 70 degrees and the basking spot is between 85 and 90...
he's still dark tho. so maybe he's absorbing warmth? he doesnt search around the cage anymore...he just enjoys basking and eating.
Hello all--!
i have a young male veiled chameleon..i dont know his age but i'm guessing 4 months or so.
i have him in a screen cage-- 2'X2'x3'tall.. with a live ficus and plenty of vines and such.
Lighting is...a 100W powersun bulb and i also have a 5.0 uvb tube bulb as well. the...
I'm new to the forum. My girlfriend showed this website to me and said I should register.
My year old Male Veiled, Jambi, is not doing well at all.
It started last wednesday when i fed him. His tongue shot out and didnt retract..then he fell to the bottom of the cage (i'm...