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  1. J

    Possible mbd/ egg laying issues

    Thank you very much
  2. J

    Amputation for hemipeneal prolapse repeats

    For the time being you can put honey or sugar water on it to keep it from gettig infected
  3. J

    Possible mbd/ egg laying issues

    My female veiled out of nowhere started spending alot of time on the bottom of the enclosure clawing around the Eco earth and the past three days she seems to be struggling with her hind legs I took her out they seem to grip very strong still but the movent of them seems off her tail seems...
  4. J

    Cham cam

  5. J

    Some pics of my veiled

    It's a canonrebel 350d and I'm using a 5.0 repti glo clamped to a tripod loo
  6. J

    Some pics of my veiled

    Thank you!
  7. J

    Cool spider pics

    Anyone no any info on this species of daddy Long leg?
  8. J

    Cool spider pics

    Hahahaha that's too funny
  9. J

    Cool spider pics

    Canon 350d an extension tube and a 50mm 1.8 lens
  10. J

    Some pics of my veiled

    she was really pissed this day
  11. J

    Cool spider pics

  12. J

    post pics of your other hobbies.

    . Photography!
  13. J

    feeder container ideas?!?!

    This what I ended up with I still wouldn't mind seeing more people's ideas
  14. J

    feeder container ideas?!?!

    thanks these are helpful i would still love to see other peoples containers im working on something right now
  15. J

    Grass inside a Cage?

    and if your feeders munch on it its very high in vitaman d
  16. J

    Grass inside a Cage?

    i have have wheat grass in my timor monitor enclosure it grew quick and holds up well in the high humidity
  17. J

    feeder container ideas?!?!

    i was curous if anyone had any good feeder cup ideas i have a baby veiled chameleon and her crickets always hide on her in the substrate and under the plants i have a cup i hang near her favorite basking spot and she gets a few when i put them in but they hop out after a few minute i just wanna...
  18. J

    My first chameleon :)

    Here are a few more pics
  19. J

    My first chameleon :)

    It's not cricket juice but I'm not sure what it is do you recognize it as something? I didn't really think anything of it I figured it was a normal thing
  20. J

    My first chameleon :)

    I meant there aren't !
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