Yeah I know... but I kinda want this thread locked or deleted some how. All of them. It's put a bad reputation on me. But what can I say i guess that's just how I come off as.
Yeah I know and I appreciate you trying to set me in the right track as you said. It is true I do come off as something I don't want people thinking as me. Even in persom people say I look mean and angered all the time and actually I'm not, I'm actually pretty nice to be honest. Well at least...
Okay... well first of all I you didn't hurt my "feelings" I'm not that sensitive unlike other people. But also I was just asking a question you could of just said look at the care sheet which I've had. The only reason I ask multiple times is to make sure. Also who ever called me a troll I'm not...
Althing thanks I'll check out. I like how you are so calm to me and a few people get so mad and uptight. Doesn't make any sense to me to make a agrument. I don't even like arguing but some people like to be a little over-the-top I'll put it as.
Alright well like I said on Monday everyone said the ones I have for powered have d3 in them so I had to go online to get without d3 (which is coming in today)since no pet stores around me have it...
I will check out the supplement... I'm kinda stuck with the others for now cause I don't wanna waste. Also the without d3 is coming today. And my chameleon pooped yesterday for the first time with brown or black combo with white