Your Chameleon - Male. Graceful. One year old
Handling - About once or twice a week
Feeding - 5-8 crickets a day. Some with calcium.
Supplements - Zoo med calcium. Without d3. I recently bought flickers orange cubes to feed crickets and calcium with d3, but since his hunger strike hasn't had...
I got my one year old graceful a month ago. He ate about five crickets a day, sometimes more if he was hungry. It's been eight days since he's shown interest in food. I've also shown him different types of food and he has no interest.
He has pretty normal colors and up until a little while ago...
A little over a month ago I got my graceful chameleon, Pascal, from a reptile show. They told me he is about a year old. He seemed to be very healthy and would eat about 5 crickets a day, give or take a few depending on if he was hungry or not.
Last week I noticed a massive change in Pascal's...