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  1. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    She is back to her old self though. I had to remove the Veiled girls' lay bins after they laid too, as they kept going back down to cover the eggs more. I'll have to buy some wax worms to tempt her I think. I'm not too worried about her now she has laid them all. She's got a strong grip...
  2. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    Thank you! That actually makes a lot of sense! She seems back her normal self today although he may have had a little dig while I was out earlier. All she wants to do is come out, not interested in her usual favourite food, or any food for that matter. Still drinking though. I don't...
  3. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    Update - she hasn't laid any more eggs. The vet said the xray showed there were between 4 and 6 still in her and she laid 7 after the oxytocin on Thursday and none since. She has been going down to her lay tub yesterday and today and has been digging, although I think she may have laid them...
  4. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    Been back to the vets. This vet said they could feel another egg and suggested an xray which I agreed to. This was done by another vet and he said there were around 4-6 eggs still inside her. He gave her another calcium shot and some oxytocin. In the 5min journey home she laid 4, followed by...
  5. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    Funny you say that but one of my Veiled girls laid on Easter Sunday a few years ago!
  6. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    We're back! Vet couldn't feel any more eggs in her, but that's not to say there aren't any. Pixie had a calcium injection and we'll need to go back for xrays tomorrow afternoon if she doesn't lay any more. Vet was reluctant to administer oxytocin since she could feel any eggs.
  7. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    She's been in her laying tub today but hasn't been digging. Got a vet appt this evening at 7pm. Hopefully get her an oxytocin injection.
  8. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    Hi Jann, I vaguely remember Sadie. The shop I got Pixie from has said that a few of their Panther girls had struggle a bit with their first clutches. I am going to watch her closely throughout the day tomorrow, obviously without her seeing me look at her.
  9. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    She's gone on to lay 3 more. It's her first time, but not mine. I've had female Veileds in the past and they always laid ok. It's concerning that she is dropping them from her branches, but from research I've done on here and online it appears that it's not uncommon for a female's first...
  10. Miss Lily

    Pixie and the egg!

    I came home from shopping today to see Pixie had pooped and laid a single tiny egg! She has had a lay tub in her viv since I got her in September 2016. I've covered the front of her viv for now.
  11. Miss Lily

    Heart Award - Decadancin

  12. Miss Lily

    Growing spider collection!

    Crickets are horrid things! Spiders are like chameleons, you can't just have one! Spiders can go months without eating and their housing takes up less space.
  13. Miss Lily

    Growing spider collection!

    As requested by @Twitchet , here's a thread with photos of all my tarantulas! I have 7 now, the latest arrived just yesterday! So.. here goes! First up, two Caribena Versicolors (Martinique Pink Toe). Can only get pics of one as the other hides a lot. This is Stompy, who is now a moult ahead...
  14. Miss Lily

    Please Send Good Vibes and Prayers to Amos

    What a nightmare. Hope he makes a good recovery xx
  15. Miss Lily

    Pixie's Halloween colours!

    Not quite as chunky. She goes through spells of the darker colours then stays peach/orange. Her weight tends to go up and down too.
  16. Miss Lily

    Pixie's Halloween colours!

    So, here we are almost 3 months on. Pixie is coming up for 2 years old and still hasn't laid any eggs!
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