My female does this in the sun....I believe it is to absorb the heat (she only gets a few hours of sunshine in the morning). Is the cham basking at the time?
Interesting thread this one...
The first chameleon book I got (before I had a chameleon) had a section about hibernating chameleons...saying which species required it and which didn't. It suggested that the life expectancy of the animal was increased...Since then I have never heard anyone...
I'm considering senegalensis myself...she is very cute indeed....I hope you can get her a male. How do you keep them personally? From what I've read they are about 12 inches, need a lower than normal humidity, and quite warm basking spot? She has some lovely spots...are these receptive...
Hi Stu...
I woudn't worry about removing that should hold the temp and humidity OK as long as you spray minimum of twice daily and have a good basking light. Is this for a panther/yemen? All front mesh would be my advice (and I don't have double glazing in my house) :)
Whilst in the US I visited a petco in CT. I was actually REALLY impressed with their standards of hygeine and care. The animals they had were in really good condition!
If you can provide a bit of a temperature drop at night for her and a high humidity jackson are meant to be a good starter...