Thanks! How about the heat bulbs? Do I want one that puts out light, or just heat only? Like a ceramic one?
It's all in my shopping cart! Almost at the point of no return!
Thanks all for the quick replies. I have a list of things I need. Gonna pull the trigger soon.
Are the LED UVB lights effective? How about LED life? They seem to have taken over reefkeeping, and that's my only frame of reference.
My plan is to purchase a juvenile Panther Chameleon. I've been reading about enclosures, and it seems like most people start with a medium enclosure for a juvi and eventually move on to a larger one for an adult. The Zoo Med kit seems a bit small(16x16x30), though with the dual lights it seems...
Hello all,
I came to this forum because I'm interested in Chameleons. I've kept various reptiles, but nothing besides fish and corals in the past 20 or so years.
I've always been excited about Chameleons, but knew they required more care then other reptiles. At this point, I'm more...