This is damaranum 1000% sure (look at other previous post of me).
I think the male is much older then 4 months. I think both animals are born before the winter and then logical it is around march/april. And I think the male from one litter before so end of 2008.
I love this species and...
To bad Jono you needed to go over there for an emergency.
I think you're wrong about the species. As far as I know the only species occuring in george is damaranum and for certain nog thamnobates (living at the east cost near nothingham road.
But still I'd like to see pictures as the...
To bad Chris,
where it all slugs? How many did you find?
Indeed hope Luis will have some babies as well.
And then hopefully you can breed them some more seasons.
I think as summer still needs to start in SA you can let them mate again quite soon and have a second litter about jan - april.
Hi Chris,
I think all those species are not really difficult. To be honest the only species I ever found difficult to raise was senegalensis.
The only thing to remember is that with those live bearers the chance is bigger some baby's die. As some eggs don't hatch with egg layers. My...
Hi Chris,
this is great news, reakky a very good start for building the colony in the states.
I hope some more people are fortunate enough to have a litter so you can create different bloodlines.
Good luck with raising them, I think it won't be a problem.
Just one tip: feed a lot of...
Thanks all!
Here two pictures!!
This is indeed our first daughter! And I indeed was able to see her being born! That was the most beautiful experience I've had.