That's cool - a lot of people dont realise that UVB doesnt pass through glass and stuff.
As for the supplementing, you can search for examples of peoples supplementing schedules (im very forgetful and generally useless so i have a big wall planner in my hall with little stickers and stuff on...
I'm taking a load of photos down to my tattooist and he is going to draw me some designs - but i want mine realistic...
As for cartoony - i LOVE this one lol
Rather than going by physical length, I weigh my guy every 2-4 weeks just to see how he's going, as seeing him every day, its difficult to notice growth :)
Sorry if you said, but I didn't see it...
You say the UV bulb is on top of your cage - what kind of cage do you have, and what material is the top made out of? Is it a coiled bulb or is it a linear tube?
Also you can buy live worms online - I'm sure someone in the US can point you in the...
Yeah im actually looking for a new house that actually suits my pets needs lol I'm thinking that I might play it safe and get another veiled or a panther next, but a lot of thought is going to have to go into it!
I didn't get a chance for research before my veiled as he was a rescue, but I'm...
I'm on a mission deciding what kind of cham(s) I'm going to get next - I'm moving house in a few months so I'm looking to get some research in before I move and can get a new set up :)
I really love the look of carpet chams but I'm struggling to find any reliable info online about...
mine is having his 2nd shed with me and this is the 2nd time hes eaten minimally - he has daily medication injected into a wax worm and some days its a struggle to get him to eat that - he'll be back to his old greedy self when hes finished shedding :)
The thing about cloning, is that if you clone your now 8 year old dog (which is pretty old for a golden retreiver) then what you're actually going to get, is another 8 year old golden retreiver, not a puppy....biologically, it would be 8 years old
I keep mine in a tub thats about the size of a shoe box but has higher sides, with some egg box bits in there - I find they dont actually jump out unless they judge it perfectly.
I dont chill them or anything, I just pick them out by their back legs (they are much easier to handle than...