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  1. dclough77

    What do you think? First build

    Veileds love to eat plants remember that, at least mine do.
  2. dclough77

    Cricket helper

    well isnt he pretty, and i think he wants to help you remove those crickets haha :)
  3. dclough77


    i would change the supplements to calcium without d3 to every feeding and with d3/multivitamin to 2-3 times a month. and im not sure with your particular breed but i would lower the basking spot to about 85-90f maybe. like i said not sure about your breed. as far as fat goes i wouldnt say that...
  4. dclough77

    SURPRISINGLY GOT A NEW CHAM?!? help me out plz.

    mine is this way, he will just drink from the drip source(only time i catch him drinking at least) :)
  5. dclough77

    Before I buy my veiled chameleon

    welcome to the forums, this is a great place to get all the info you will need. Im sure most of us learned it here. These guys have about summed it all up on your mistakes but... enjoy your first cham! we will hope to see pictures
  6. dclough77

    Back from vet worst confirmed

    hang in there... :( ive heard of chams surviving without tounges
  7. dclough77

    My Checklist

    there has just been eye problems with the compact bulbs, from what I've read, im not sure on your exact product. maybe someone more informative will chime in, but it is very recommend to get the long tubular 5.0s and regular basking bulbs
  8. dclough77

    My Checklist

    youll want to pick up a uvb 5.0 bulb(long ones not compact) can get thm just about anywhere
  9. dclough77

    Why is my cham not working properly?

    not working properly?! you sound like you have a robot cham :)
  10. dclough77

    Live planted terrarium and Chameleon types

    marty does some awesome stuff!*pic-heavy*-146/ Posted that in yourother thread too oh well. hope its not the same as sevarious
  11. dclough77

    Help me please

    glass fish tanks are not the best(ideal) cages for chameleons. They like tall breezy ones. Dart frogs are pretty and make a awesome showcase for a nice tank, heres a link to some, its not mine.*pic-heavy*-146/ im no pro but things ive read...
  12. dclough77

    OK Cage Design?

    ha this was my thought!:), along side the 100w prob being too hot
  13. dclough77

    MistKing - Pomona 2011

    whats the dates of the show
  14. dclough77

    Cage Build

    very pretty! did you think about drainage during the build? maybe you wont have probs with it.
  15. dclough77

    Bruce the WC Veiled and Tim meets a girl!

    my Vieleds name is Bruce! lol
  16. dclough77

    Clyde looking handsome (5 month old veiled)

    this is what i was thinking, or what are you feeding that guy?! ha:)
  17. dclough77

    Best drainage set up for the bottom of the cage.

    i buy a vanity/sink combo set can get them relativly cheap then built the cage to top of that, you can get many sizes but its nice to have the sink for the cage to drip to then into a 5g bucket in the cabinet underneath. very eye pleaseing setups. depends on the size of your cage but like mine...
  18. dclough77

    New Guy here with a new Girl!

    5bucks what a steal! nice girl there
  19. dclough77

    Breeding Crickets?

    just a little tip, dubia roaches are much easier and dont stink as much. i hear breading crickets is more work than worth.
  20. dclough77

    Jackson Sleeping During Daytime

    could have been the lighting combact uvb bulbs tent to cause issues idk if thats what the had but (too bright?) im no expert but i have read this
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