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  1. frikitiki

    Radiant heat panels

    bump..... Anybody?
  2. frikitiki

    Radiant heat panels

    Anybody using Radiant heat panels? Has any one ever used the Pro-Products Radiant heat panels for there chameleons? http:// I do use them currently with GREAT success on my Green Tree Pythons. They are...
  3. frikitiki

    Azteca the Ambilobe

    I like them a little fiesty!
  4. frikitiki

    Christmas parent to myself! Thx curt

    Nice score!!
  5. frikitiki

    Blue Christmas

    Can we say JEALOUS!!! great pics!
  6. frikitiki

    Bonsai is getting a GIRLfriend!!!

    Congrats on her.... he looks GREAT!
  7. frikitiki

    one of the boys.....

    Looks FANTASTIC!
  8. frikitiki

    First baby Crickets !! :P

    Congrats! Job well done!
  9. frikitiki

    Male or Female?

    Its a boy...
  10. frikitiki

    i got my mistking!!!

    you will LOVE it!!! it makes things much easier...
  11. frikitiki

    My experience with Bruce and Chameleon Paradise

    I also have done business with Bruce and he was GREAT to deal with
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