i dont mist directly, but he gets his watter on him !
i dont like hot watter cause i messes my watter pump more quickly...
and it evaporates more ...room tem of the water is my choice
it is the only chameleo in Serbia that has lived over 2 yeras ..he is 3 years now
i ma getting interested in rhampoelons but i have to dill with tem. problem cause it gets over 30C in my rep. room in hotest days of summer....
about the book i was looking to buy it but it is har to get...
ok thans....
i feed critkets with alfaalfa, chicken food, and greens- dendoline, carot and so on...everything thaty my 3 year old iguana eats.
Ill give up on solution of giving performed A, cause (if u beleive) there is no one vet in Serbia that is specialised in reptiles...i have order...
and do u see any singhs of enpruvment?
what is the best gutloaded food for preformed vit A ? i would like to give him via his food not suplements or orally?
i have a mineral povder that irearly use it has vit A 630 000iu
what it means performed? sorry my english :)
i goutload my crickets with alfaalfa food for rebits...chicken food and greens
i have iguana so green food is without oxalat asid and so on...i have reserched that stuff
do u wanna...
* Cage Type - is 110cmwith depth is 70cm and hight 80cm
* Lighting -spot light 100W classic and uva/uvb new one and the old one for extra light
* Temperature - under light 35C other about 24-26
* Humidity - 50-70% after misting
* Plants - Are you using live plants? If so...
my chamelo calyptratus is about 2 -3 yers old. last 6-10 months he looks like he is allways in process of sheding.
there is no time when he is clean of his old skin...the skin comes off normally in parts and he has no problems with the procces but he is constantlly in mess..
i feed him with...