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  1. pieter089

    Somnia, the Graceful Chameleon: General Advice

    My cham does this when sitting in the sun for a long time, he doesn't move to shade he just sits there mouth open, think its heat related
  2. pieter089

    Exo Terra Cameroon Expedition 5 - Mount Manengouba pt 2

    That must be the most pictures I've ever seen of the same chameleon at a given time...beautiful though, almost think 10 pix could covered how beautiful he is:D
  3. pieter089

    Incubating Namaqua Chameleon eggs

    Don't be scared of by some people playing police, I'm sure someone will have some good info for you, although it will not be me because I no nothing about that species. It IS possible to get a permit for keeping them, especially if the aim is to breed them. Good luck
  4. pieter089

    who sells jackson chameleons in south africa?

    Check this out, maybe it will help
  5. pieter089

    Chameleon Rape

    I read that post summoner and thanks for adding it...that looks all too familiar to me. This is really interesting too me that it even happens
  6. pieter089

    Chameleon Growth Rate

    He should only be about 3 months from full grown... I think
  7. pieter089

    My Cham is being suicidal :(

    I almost shit a swing when my cham jumped once, didn't know they could do that. I picked him up off the tree and he didn't want to go so he jumped from my hand to the tree and dangled by a branch, I'm much more careful now.
  8. pieter089

    Chameleon Rape

    Ok humping a worm must be even creepier... and knowing that this actually does happen more often than I thought is kind of a relief, but it takes away from the And the dominance think makes sense, either that or he was just a really horny mo-fo. He was kind of a big male and...
  9. pieter089

    4 Month Old - How Many Crix?

    Mine is about that age but only eats about 8-15 large crickets daily if doesn't catch a grasshopper or something And I find he eats less if fed once a day so I feed twice
  10. pieter089

    Custom Wire Enclosures

    well done!
  11. pieter089

    Chameleon Rape

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, activity you say? I doubt any of my activities would be capable of exiting a cham in a sexual way
  12. pieter089

    Chameleon Rape

    That's what I was wondering(if anybody's heard or seen this before)... this might just be the strangest behavior ever and I was the victim. I just remembered about it this morning when my cham really gripped my hand and I had a I feel strangely lucky but also quite violated
  13. pieter089

    Randall and Pascal

    They are really nice looking chams, love their skin textures
  14. pieter089

    what are some of your guys and girls other hobbies

    Bodybuilding, Bonsai tree, Photography, Dogs, RC helicopter, PC and PS gaming, Racing cars, Gardening, Playing chess, Hunting. Gave up rugby, athletics and all other pets such as iguana, bearded dragon, monitor lizard etc.
  15. pieter089

    Chameleon Rape

    This needs to be said, a few years ago I picked up a chameleon that was crossing the road, I wanted to take it to our farm. We stopped at a greenhouse to buy something, can't remember what, but it was on my hand while I was walking through the plants and suddenly started gripping my hand very...
  16. pieter089

    What is your next Chameleons name?!

    My wife named my Veiled Smarti (After a colourful sweet almost like M&M's don't know if its in other countries as well) but thats not the hard part...naming my son is turning out to be a challenge, got 3 months left to decide
  17. pieter089

    Filming my chameleon

    lol, I hate it when mine reaches and theres nothing there, feel so sorry for him I want to put something there...:o
  18. pieter089

    Reptisun 10.0?

    I definitely disagree with that statement, although we all live under one sun, its intensity varies dramatically because of the curvature of the earth... The sun might shine directly and without blocking in some parts and be cool and less intense regarding UVB and in some areas the UVB exposure...
  19. pieter089

    Shedding :0

    Thanks reptoman, nothing to worry about then
  20. pieter089

    Reptisun 10.0?

    All research I did suggested 5.0, 2.0 being too little to be effective and 10.0 being too harsh. I guess there are exceptions to this rule like maybe the placement from the cage but it truly is as someone els already pointed out, the 10.0 does not mimic tropical sunshine and is meant for desert...
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