Haha. Yeah. If I had gotten a house with a basement I wouldn't be so picky. I got a condo and my chameleon is placed right in the living room. So I'm looking for a stand that is atleast presentable and wouldn't ruin my 'bachelor pad'. =P
Hi, guys.
I'm looking to move my 5 month old panther chameleon to a bigger enclosure (24'x24'x48'). He is currently at a 16'x16'30' repti breeze enclosure right now. Getting the bigger enclosure in not the problem (DIY enclosure, repti breeze, and lllreptile all offer enclosures with those...
If you're claiming that your chameleons are not ill and doesn't have burns...I suggest you post pictures up as proof.
Hehe. Just kidding. I just want to see baby Jacksons with little horns. Haha.
I have a Panther but my buddy just got a Jackson the other day. Now I'm jealous...and might...
It normally takes them a while to get acclimated to their new home. And to get used to you. I suggest cup feeding at first. That's what I did when I first got mine. I offer him crickets with it and if he won't eat I just left the cup in his enclosure. It's good because you can monitor how much...
I got mine from Curt of EpicChameleons. Got a 3 1/2 month old RB ambilobe for $265 shipped. Very professional and easy to work with. He even helped me with my terrarium before I even got the chameleon. He's also one of the site sponsors here. His screen name here is Imcurt if you want to send...
I've had Dexter for a little under 2 months now. Figured I'd share his growth with you all. He arrived on a Thursday so I take pictures of him every Thursday to capture his growth progression.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7