I'm curious about this one too. I've looked around and pretty much all I've seen at the pet stores are Calcium with D3. So any recommendations (brand/where to get) on plain calcium would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
I've only had my panther chameleon for 4 days so I'm not familiar with his eating patterns yet. But the first and second day I had him he had a very healthy appettite. I cup fed him about 12-15 crickets (small ones.. 1/4 size, I think) those days. Yesterday he only ate 2 crickets. Today he...
Here's a blog by a fellow member Olimpia. Shows growth comparison of two panther chameleons. So rest easy. Keep taking proper care of him and I'm sure your little guy will turn up big, colorful, and healthy.
Yeah. I know what you're saying. I just don't think the outflow side of my pump has that locking mechanism. I've even tried holding the tube in place while it runs and there's still quite a bit of pressure pushing on it. I can't leave that unattended on a timer. I'll go home to a soaked living...
Yeah. Tube connecting directly to the pump. Outflow side. I've actually tried using a male connector on it and it still pushes the tube out. I'll try putting the pump up a bit higher. I was thinking maybe the pump and the nozzles are too far apart and the nozzles are too high. Maybe it was...
Thanks guys.
Unfortuntely, I was unable to finish the instalation. The tubing on the outflow side of the pump is loose and keeps getting pushed out. I've tried the set up with and without the dripzip. Same result. Double checked all the tubing connections and all are properly pushed it.
This is new to me. But is there a reason why such a myth exist? And a reason why we should be flicking them before feeding them to chams? My cham is small (only 3 months old) so I won't be giving him supers anytime soon. But since this thread is active, I figured I'd ask now for future reference.
Good stuff. A fellow eaast coaster with a killer chameleon named Dexter. I'm excited about this guy. His colors aren't there yet but his lateral line is impressive. It fluctuates from brown to bright white.