Yeah the heat wave is pretty nasty. It was even worse last week here in Upstate NY. We only have one airconditioned room so everything delicate like the chams, some insects and fermenting beer stay in there during weather like this. It's a nice 63-65 in there :)
The big apple system is no good for the long misting sessions that our chams need. The pro-mist system or the rainmaker 1 (not jr.) are better suited for the task.
Congrats. Be sure to keep your temps low and your humidity high since jacksonii are a montane species. Also, I'd plant your cage more densely, your cham will appreciate it and it will aid in keeping the humidity up.
The rainmaker jr. kit isn't suitable for use with chameleons. The main problem being that the pump can only run for 5 minute intervals MAX, without running the risk of overheating. Also, the pump cannot run dry and if it ever did, would most likely melt and become a huge firehazard.
I use the no-rinse cleaners made for beer brewing applications. Nothing is more sensitive than a freshly cooked wort, and these cleaners were designed to kill microbes so gently as to not even disturb the pH.§ionID=1
I use the...
Sorry I can't help with grain mites (which it sounds like you have). Just be grateful you aren't dealing with bird and rodent mites. I recetly had to endure an explosion of these guys in my apartment and it was brutal. They seemed to leave the chameleons alone, but I found them all over my...
Your best bet would be to keep the insects alive and grow them yourself. Roaches are a good example as they have a longer lifespan than crickets. You could also keep silkworm eggs in the fridge and hatch a few out at a time as you see fit. Superworms will also pupate and turn into beetles...
Like Will said, it's a big marketing scheme. I can promise that they weren't imported on a banana boat, so realize you are dealing with a liar. Also, there are no known morphs of veiled. Sometimes veiled's are offered as turqoise or high yellow, but it is no gauruntee that the offsrping will...
That's good news. Right now however, is the most crucial time for her. Offer her PLENTY of water and some high calorie insects. I'd hold off on the NeoCalGlucon, unless advised by a vet. Calcium deficiency isn't the issue at hand here, it's more of a physical exhaution/exhertion thing. Just...
Ficus contains calcium oxalate crystals which when ingested (or gotten into the eyes) can cause irritation and organ damage. However, this is a defense meant to protect against insects and presumabley doesn't affect chameleons too severely because of the size difference. Still, if I was the...
I agree that 25w would be too low to be worth it. I switch my 100w and 70w bulbs out for 40w bulbs in the summer, but that in itself is costly. A good solution is a dimmer switch. Then you can adjust your current bulbs down to the desired temp. In fact, I recently got to see ZooMed's new...
I've been pondering the idea of threading rope through some green or brown shrinkwrap and shrinking it down tight. It should take on the texture of the rope (good for grip) while being watertight and easily cleanable as well as asthetically pleasing.