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  1. Raymond1412

    Photos of my guy

    Loki is super cute!!! Looks like he's just finishing off a shed there. Good Night!! 💤🛌
  2. Raymond1412

    basking branch

    Ahhh! We're twinsies!! I have the arcadia 6% too!!! 🤩
  3. Raymond1412

    basking branch

    The heat lamp should be around 6-8 inches from the basking spot. But, since you're asking about a uvb bulb, I think it depends on the wattage, but you really should have a 6% uvb bulb. But if you have a 6% uvb bulb, 9 inches should be plenty of space from the branch.
  4. Raymond1412

    Anyone know of any good Veiled Chameleon Breeders in CA?

    We recently took Daffie to the vet, just to make sure she was healthy and everything, and the vet said she looks good. She eats well, she basks all the time, the only problem is that she hasn't laid her eggs yet. We got the egg bin set up weeks ago, and she knows it's there. Should I be worried?
  5. Raymond1412

    Shedding Frenzy

    Bart? Like Bart from the Simpsons?? What a cute name!!! Poor guy is shedding around the eyes, that's always the worst!!!
  6. Raymond1412

    Have you tried Grasshoppers?? My advice if you are feeding crickets.

    I'm the same way with the hornworms!! Even with the adults, they're just so cute! They climb all over me, and feel like I can't feed them off because I just made a friend!!! At least I have some friends to take pictures of!!!
  7. Raymond1412

    sleepy guy

    Yay!!! If you're worried about your chameleon eating the plants, it really just depends on their personality. So far, none of my chammies have tried to eat the plants, but you never know!!! Looks like you have a lot of good foliage in there already, and I'm glad you're getting all real plants...
  8. Raymond1412

    Anyone know of any good Veiled Chameleon Breeders in CA?

    I have not found any luck. I have gotten a Veiled chameleon, but she was from a reptile show. I don't know if the breeder had a specific name, but I can look into it. I you are also looking for a Veiled, the Sacremento reptile shows are the best to find them. I was surprised that I found Daffie...
  9. Raymond1412

    sleepy guy

    Don't feel bad, It is common for their shed to start around their face, tail, and/or legs!!! The first few months are always the toughest, but you'll get the hang of it!!! Todo looks like he's adapting well!!! I do see that you have a fake plant there on the right, do you only have fake plants?
  10. Raymond1412

    DIY Cabinet—>Cage Build

    Wow!! I did something quite similar, actually. I bought a ready-made cage and I closed in 3 of the sides. (excluding the top and front) Then, I made a cabinet that opens and I have my chameleon cage on that. Glad to see someone else DIY their cage!!! I wish you all of my luck and patience!! 🦎
  11. Raymond1412

    Just peeping on you

    Chammie cuteness OVERLOAD!!! 🦎🦎🦎
  12. Raymond1412

    Just peeping on you

    Why hello, Mr spike!! 💕 🤩
  13. Raymond1412

    sleepy guy

    Hello and welcome to you and Todo!! What a cutie he is!!! Glad to see another member of the Veiled family!!! Poor guy is shedding around his eyes :( That's always the worst spot bc the skin can sometimes get stuck in there. Just wondering, how long have you had Todo? Anyways, thank you for...
  14. Raymond1412

    Sunday Spike!

    Congrats on being able to touch him now!! 🥳 That's a step in the right direction!!! My baby chameleon used to do that!!! She would just give me the side-eye whenever I walked into my room, and she would never let me touch her. It's kinda ironic, bc my adult female veiled chameleon is SOOO...
  15. Raymond1412

    Have you tried Grasshoppers?? My advice if you are feeding crickets.

    I agree with you. The Grasshoppers are icky, but they are better than crickets in my opinion. Sorry, I didn't understand that you had discoid roaches already lol.
  16. Raymond1412

    Have you tried Grasshoppers?? My advice if you are feeding crickets.

    I love rolly pollies!! They are so cuteeee!
  17. Raymond1412

    Have you tried Grasshoppers?? My advice if you are feeding crickets.

    I did something similar to what you did with my babies. I fed Yoshi and Nat crickets until they both passed, but since Daffie is older now I don't feed her crickets anymore.
  18. Raymond1412

    Have you tried Grasshoppers?? My advice if you are feeding crickets.

    Oops! I totally forgot to put that lol. Thank you for adding this!
  19. Raymond1412

    Have you tried Grasshoppers?? My advice if you are feeding crickets.

    They can get VERY stinky!!! I don't mind the roaches as much because they don't jump, but they do get loose all over the enclosure, so sometimes Daffie and I have to play I spy my Dubia roach!! You don't have to feed roaches if you don't feel comfortable with them! There a ton of other bugs you...
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