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  1. Paco

    how to get ur cham off the roof.

    oh okay kool thanks!
  2. Paco

    how to get ur cham off the roof.

    hey guys, i have onother question, recently Gonzo has been on the roof looking direcly at his uvb light, is this okay? i moved his heat dome away from there so he wouldnt get burnt but i dont know if i should just let it go on the roof or get him off, hes stuburn ive tried to get him off it and...
  3. Paco

    Find Members near you.

    Kitchener, On. Canada and it's kinda nice here.
  4. Paco

    Trees outside.

    i have been doin that but he just seems to want to go on the big ones :p but i guess i shouldnt do it huh?
  5. Paco

    Trees outside.

    Hey guys, today I took gonzo out for some sun and he seemed like he really wanted to climb on a tree or a bush, now I didn't let him for 2 reasons 1. Is the toxicity of plans/tree only poisonous if eaten or with contact of the skin, 2. I live in an appartment building so there's probably...
  6. Paco

    how to keep the humidity up at night?

    hello people, i was just wondering how you guys keep your humidity up during the night when you cant mist. I live in an appartment with air conditioner and i have an all screen cage, during the day i open the window when its hot and humid allowing my room to get a warmer and more humid for my...
  7. Paco

    hatcling snakes as feeders

    id be fine feeding it whatever as long as its not onother chameleon or like any other animal eat one of his own like chanibalism that would be wrong.
  8. Paco

    cage improvement, please comment =) its on there =) and not to expensive :rolleyes:
  9. Paco

    what would happen if...

    lol thanks guys and yea id like to see a "peiled chameleon" ;P
  10. Paco

    what would happen if...

    shhh it was just gettin good :rolleyes::p
  11. Paco

    what would happen if...

    this sounds intresting and only hope in the future we can see this happen and create a whole new species and a very spectacular one to.
  12. Paco

    cage improvement, please comment =)

    ok kool thanks, what do you think it would be better for a full grown veiled cham (thinking for future purchases) a 2 by 2 by 4 feet... or 2 by 2 by 6 feet? oh and i recently bought a live english lavender :P
  13. Paco

    what would happen if...

    awww okay :( it sounds right though haha it would be pretty kool, imagine a veiled with panther colors :cool:
  14. Paco

    what would happen if...

    what do you guys think would happen if you breed a veiled with a panther? would you get a smaller casque with bright colors? or is this not possible? i just got curius sorry if it sounds stupid :rolleyes::p
  15. Paco

    whats better feeding in a dish or letting them loose?

    ohhh ok so do it as long as you do it carefully?
  16. Paco

    whats better feeding in a dish or letting them loose?

    okay kool =) thanks for the info. so basicly both? and what about hand feeding?
  17. Paco

    cage improvement, please comment =)

    thanks for all the help to everyone in Chameleon Forums =D :D:D:D
  18. Paco

    cage improvement, please comment =)

    24" 18" 24" its pretty decent =) buy the repti breeze not exo terra i regret it kinda.
  19. Paco

    whats better feeding in a dish or letting them loose?

    I think Gonzo is afraid of the bottle so he doesnt have much of a choice :p
  20. Paco

    whats better feeding in a dish or letting them loose?

    ookk that makes sence, my cham sometimes wont eat from the bowl, always eats when sumthing is near him, sometimes i put the bowl near him and he will eat then :p hes kindof spoiled.
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