Blood Crosses
Blood crosses het tremper
pacific greens
possible super giant hypo tang
eclipses het raptor
Bees het raptor
hypo tang possible giant
Hypo tangs
super hypo tangs
tremper het ember
tang enigma
bold striped bandit
banded bandits
bell sunglows
super snows...
Indiana Reptile Breeders Expo
Location: Richmond, Indiana
Wayne County Fairgrounds
861 Salisbury Road North
Richmond, IN 47374
Giveaways: $500.00+ in supplies and show bucks, $50.00 in show bucks EVERY HOUR.
Admission: $5.00 (10 and under...
Sorry but you have to see them on Facebook.
to many to post them all here.¬if_t=like
Well, im thinking of becoming a pimp.. i have many people wanting to use him. hahaha..
but i am looking for a female soon for him
trying to decide what to breed with