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  1. prettykttkat

    "Scoliosis" in reptiles?

    I have seen this before in a gecko I purchased as a baby. It IS MBD. Make no mistake! Usually in crested geckos the tail kinks first as a sign of MBD but with the baby gecko I had it did not and that is what threw me off. First it's rib cage looked funny being bigger at the beginning and...
  2. prettykttkat


    Aww they are so cute! Congrats!
  3. prettykttkat

    Baby Cuban Knight anole!

    Thanks! The big anoles are my favorite too! I hope to breed other large species too someday:)
  4. prettykttkat

    Baby Cuban Knight anole!

    Cuban knight anole hatched yesterday and it's so cute! This one is very fiesty, I opened the deli cup and he jumped and bit me, lol! And right after I put him in his cage he started doing head bobs at me too:) Such a little cutie! Here's a video
  5. prettykttkat

    Oustaleti breeding pics & videos

    Thanks Jared! I thought you would like to see them! :) Thanks Jack, I agree the color change is very cool! I never had an Oustaleti female before so I didn't know about all the colors they changed till now. I knew there would be a change but I didnt know what it would look like. I think...
  6. prettykttkat

    Oustaleti breeding pics & videos

    Thanks! I can't wait to pair Rex with her when he is better! I think babies from these two will be nice too though. They are both pretty chams:) Congrats Reptimom! Are you incubating eggs at room temp or using an incubator?
  7. prettykttkat

    Oustaleti breeding pics & videos

    So I bred my Oustaleti today! I had been contemplating waiting for my sick rescued male to get better(because he is beautiful!) or just use the healthy male I already had and breed them now. My female has been ready for a few weeks so I thought I might as well take the plunge and put the...
  8. prettykttkat

    What kind of a snake is this?

    I'm so jealous! I was born in FL and long to return but the hubby says no:( I think the snake is a black racer too. Very cute!
  9. prettykttkat

    A day in the sun!

    Asmar is really cute:) They are all cute but looking at Asmar makes me want a Meller's.
  10. prettykttkat

    Oh My God

    Ha Ha Ha! That's funny!
  11. prettykttkat

    Reptile Show Frequency?

    I go every time there is one in my area which is quarterly. I always go with the intention of just looking and not buying but if I see something of interest I get weak:) Usually here the shows are not that great so I rarely get anything. It's mostly very common things like ball pythons...
  12. prettykttkat

    Some random pics

    Here's my female Oustalet's cham (future wife of Rex). Her name is Anastasia. Here's my (rescued) female Veiled cham, Mystique with unreceptive colors. Here's Mystique laying eggs in her trashcan. The first time Mystique ever laid eggs she ended up laying half of them right in...
  13. prettykttkat

    Primary Feeder Source

    I used to buy crickets, superworms and waxworms at my local shop and just order silkworms,hornworms,butterworms and roaches online. The local shop would charge $40 for 1000 crickets but I found on the internet I can get 1000 for $20 shipped so now I buy all my feeders online. My local shop...
  14. prettykttkat

    Some random pics

    Thanks guys!
  15. prettykttkat

    Some random pics

    Thanks! Me too, Rex has a one of a kind personality:)
  16. prettykttkat

    Some random pics

    Thanks Jannb! Wolverine was the first rescued cham (of my current crew) and has been with me over a year now:)
  17. prettykttkat

    Some random pics

    Here's some random pics of 2 of my chams I took today:) This is Rex at his food bowl wanting me to feed him:) This was Rex today looking out my bedroom window. This was Rex watching me outside from my window. Look close, his head is the little light spot at the bottom:)...
  18. prettykttkat

    Monochromatic Chromatophores

    The third pic looks very devilish:)
  19. prettykttkat

    AJ and Biscuit-My next Veiled project!

    Ha Ha they look pissed off! I love it, they are so cute!
  20. prettykttkat


    Thanks! I guess that means Rex's results are a little high. I think I might know why this is. When I dust insects I dump the bag into his feeding dish and sometimes there is extra calcium powder in the bottom of the bowl. The end of his tongue is very big and I think he must be getting the...
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