Hi all
Yes this normal, most chams(and other species of reptiles) go off there food around shedding time. Also dont forget it's now winter and most if not all chams slow there feeding down during this period
Firstly make sure any heat lamps are outside the cage and are protected,chameleons are not that bright and will bask against a bulb even if its burning them.The best advice would be to take your cham to a reptile vet and get him checked out
hi all
Female panthers are receptive to mating as soon as they reach maturity, there is no breeding season 6 months of age is probably to young to breed they should be seperated as soon as the female resumes normal colouration regardless if they seem to get on
Hi all
With regards to feeding pinkies, i do this once a week with a couple of my large male panthers. I just hold it by the tail wobble it around a bit and zap jobs a gooden.Pinkies have many vits & mins not found in insects ,also with regards to bones and the weight of pinkies.It...
breeding panthers
Breeding panthers doesnt usally present to many problems,depending on the tempeament & size of your chams the female is presented to the male(if the male is a virgin watch that he does not become to exited and is aggressive towards the female).Usually after a few minutes...
Hi all
As brad has just stated it thought that chameleons cannot hear,some specie are known to vibrate ie ground dwelling chams which could be a form of communication
Hi all
With regards to beetles most are ok to feed your chameleons with exception to ones that are clad in warning colours ie lady birds and such as there for a reason.Ive been feeding my chams different species of beetles as long as ive kept them around 9yrs now and have had no...
food list
Hi all
Heres a food list
Hi all
With respect danielleb putting your cham in the shower for around 5mins at a time is probably A WASTE OF TIME.The whole point of putting your chameleon in the shower is to rehydrate them and this cannot be done in 5minutes.You need to leave your cham in there long enough to induce a...
water filter
Hi all
Forgot to add this i have water filters contected to all my water outlets(RO units) as chamfreak stated unfiltured tap water contains to many nastys to be used as a drinking source for your chameleons
Hi all
Regarding showers its best that you put your cham on a plant so he/she can drink of the leaves. Its also best to aim the shower head at one of the walls around your shower so that the water hits the wall and produces a mist of WARM water,as pointing water directly at the plant...
Hi rydude334
I also wouldnt recommend a mellers as a first chameleon, as chamgirl stated they need large cages and in my opion are not easy to keep and will not tollerate husbandry mistakes (i kept two when living in the uk).As chamgirl also stated they are difficult to sex as...
Sorry for loss
Hi jam
Firstly sorry to hear about the loss of your cham, heika has covered all what i was about to say regarding the loss of your cham.Reading your post there are a few husbandry issues that could have contributed to the deaf of your cham ie temps. I feel heika is right in...
food items & waterfalls
Hi kira
Firstly dont buy or collect chameleons from the wild as they will probably hold parasites and there's no reason for doing so with so many people breeding chams these days. Secondly forget the waterfull they are a breeding ground for bacteria which will cause...