more info...
pepito is male, found his spurs!! he is i am guessing around 2months(approx. 3inches) i bought him this past tuesday at petco so a few days i have had him. the terranium is 18x18x24inches its an all glas enclousure with a wire top. i have a humidifier, its reading at aprox 60% at...
ok so i just bought pepito tues from the pet store and i had a few issues with humidity it was stuck at 45% but thats all resolved. now he is shedding and it look a little bit funny just want to know that i am doing all that i can to help him. i increased the humidity to about 65-70% and...
cup feed?
idk if the cup would work he runs when i take the cricket tube and knock them out next to him. he has eaten some and has total access to the floor i picked him up and set him on the floor by the crickets and he ate one and headed to the top again. some of the crickets have ventured...
Thanks another ?
omg thanks for all the help!! and BTW he is a boy just like i assumed!! yay for spurs lol. Humidity is up to around 65 now! and no fog! this is great! but now i am just concerned on his eating, he tends to stay to the top of the tank and i drop the crickets near the top by him...
ignore last post i must have sent it as you did lol. i dont know if its male or female i have been just calling it a boy, his name is pepito not mine lol.
So you never answered me what do you suggest to use for the floor i would really like to know so i can get these wood chips out tomarow and run to the store to get something different!!!
5.0 or 2.0 whats the difference? and actually my tank has dropped down to about 75.4 just since you have been giving me helpful hints. i just turned on the nightlights would it be ok to turn them on at 7 or 8 for just this once to start that cycle? and what are all the temps and times i should...
Your Chameleon -veiled chameleon, umm age...few months got it from pet store he is like 1 1/2'' without tail. with his is like 3ish. just got him today so i am new at this!!
Handling - just took him out of the cantainer from pet store and put him in tank i am to scared to stress him out being...
i said before the tank is 18x18x24 inches. and the "day bulbs" are UVB. and i was told i need the red nightlight as they have to be at around 75 degrees at night and my house isnt that warm. it is wisconsin, lol. i have a temp gauge by the "basking bulb" and its at around 100 degrees which i...
thats fine and all that 45 isnt to high but i am afraid he isnt going to want to go to the bottom being as its super foggy. i am worried it will drop dramaticly if i turn the humidifier down
i have 2 of the "day bulbs" (Repti Glo full spectrum terranium lamp 26w) those are both in the hood then i have a duo light fixture sitting on top one side has the "basking lamp" (neodymium basking ulb 100w uva) and the other side has the "night light" (nightlight red reptile bulb...
floor of terranium...
I have those bark chip things the pet store told me not to use sand till they get bigger since it can get in there eyes, and they said the dirt was hard to keep up and they recommended the bark chips and they are SOAKED!!
So I bought a veiled chameleon this morning, i had the terranium al set up at the perfect heat and humidity until i opened up the glass doors on the front to put him in and now i cant get the humidity gauge to say anything higher than 45% but the bottom of the terranium is extreamly foggy and...