Thanks all for thr replies, I am concern since I had a young Female laid a clutch and months later she had MBD because she was too young to develope her body. I have reenforced the divider now, so he wont bother her now.
I made this cage from a tv cabinet that has divider for my 1 year male and 9 month old female, some how my boy found its way to the female and my wife found them mating. I did not want her to mate because she was young, now that she has mated, will it be dangerous for her when she lays eggs at...
I like the auto set for the temp/humidity, but my humidity is the problems so that would not work. It would be more of the temperature on the basking light, that will be more helpful. where did you get that device?
My female is 8 months and she is a very picky eater, good thing I have Butter worms, horn worms,Sil worms, crickets, and stick feeders. I give her a little some horn worms, when she doesnt want crickets and then I switch it up in a fee days when she doesnt want worn worms. So on so on.
If I dont have an AC unit so I can have the mini fan to blow out the warmth from the ambient, correct? I mean having the fan facing the opposit direction to blow it out.
I wanted to use it so it can cool of the cage when temp gets over 80 degress, I live in California and I have a King mist system that has automated for 5 mist a day of 1 minute each. I want to maintain a temperature no more than 80 degress as I have seen my chameleons open its mouth when it gets...
I have decided to make beatiful terrerium out of a TV cabinate and half way done, I have made some drills on top. One was for basking ligh, the other for UV and the other little one by mistake. I have been a delema to use the little hole for a CPU fan, but not sure to blow air in or out. I would...
I have 2 eggs and they were the last 2 until they started to mold up. Well I have another good and bad news, wow I am a bad beginer breeder. As I noticed my female lesson to eat and got fat legs and started to wonder up and down her plant. I figure it was time again for her to lay another clutch...
Well I add water and its like little rocks its called Pagea but I am thinking in switching it to this now When I add water to Pagea, I can not squiz it because its solid like little rocks or little...
The first month I left the lid on and noticed that 10 eggs were all full of mold and the temperature remain at no more than 75 degrees and I let a little vent open from their just to get some cool air but that vent is very small. My apartment temprature is withinv 69-72 degrees. I live in California
some of you might remember that my 2 females laid eggs well, it was a total of 68 eggs, all shriveled and molded, now in my last 2 eggs surviving and they are in their 6 months, they are starting to build mold. I do not know why they are shriveling and molding. I kept the temperature no more...