I know things can "adapt" to inviroment but its not an active thing adapting is very passive, Its the "strogest survive". Like the snakes and monitors not eating the frogs... they are a R selected species, they mass produce so the population drop that hast risen yet could be due to the animals...
I've read all about evolution and know it well. Im a sophmore working on a biology major. I think that adaptation is possiable and evoulution on small scale might happen... but I dont beleive that evolution has taken place on such a large scale as to create us humans that have language and the...
Personally I don’t think post threads like this should be allowed to exist. All they do is separate the community down the lines of belief. Evolution is still a Hypothesis and Christianity is a faith. Apparently people that are open minded are too close minded to leave Christians or whatever...
Thos videos prove nothing.... One is a simple bell shaped curve, A color morph isnt an evloutionary event. The genes for the base collor will continue to reappear on a regular basis, if not most of the time. The platipus video was chock full of "I THINK" and its "GUESSD" so its all bull in my...
I just aqired a big exo terra tank and I would like to set up a new brev tank. I have had my 1.2 (wc) for a couple months now and they are doing great. I was wondering how many could i do in a tank this size. I doubt more than one male, but maybe a 1.4/5 ?
Well made it throught the night with a small poweroutage nothing that made my house temp drop too low. The only reason i was so conserned is that GA is one of the oldest states in the union still using the origional powerlines edison put it... lol, this place is crap when it comes to constaint...
Well it lookss like we are going to be in for some bad weather tomarrow. I searched the forums and gound a few things about prolonged power outages and extream cold. But nothing as far as a kit for these types of emergencys.
This is my plan so far, Im going to get one of those big foam...