Thanx Dave.
I put fresh spinach and grated carrot in for her every day but she doesn't touch it. I heard they like bananas so i'll try a small piece every now and then.
She's loving all the bugs i'm giving her - especially locusts.
She had her first shed ( well, first i know about ) 2...
Thanx. :)
She's eating really well. She's not drinking when i'm misting so i'm giving her a few drops of water through a pipette, she seems to enjoy this :p
I'm thinking of trying her with some apple, should i grate it like i do with carrots or should i just put chunks in?
Hi everyone, i'm Karen from Preston UK.
I bought a female veiled 3 weeks ago and she's fantastic - i've called her Shiver.
Never kept any reptiles before and admittedly didn't know too much before i got her.
I've been reading as much as possible though and she's doing just great! :D...