i need help. i just set up my mistking but it drips a bit at the bottom near the bulkhead. i used the right size drill bit but it still keeps leaking. i have a five gallon bucket. is is the curved shape that’s causing this? should i get a flat surface! urgent plz help i’m getting my chameleon...
well my dad will be home but he works long hours during the day. everything from lights to misting is on a timer schedule. i might ask him to help but he knows nothing of reptile care / how many / supplementation but i’ll try to walk him thru it
I’m getting an ambilobe this saturday. I’m going on a three day trip from sunday-tuesday. this is good because he’ll have time to adjust to his enclosure. i’m going to leave probably around 36-40 crickets and roaches in a feeder cup. will he eat all of his food in one day? he is 4 months old. i...
yes i meant uvb haha. thank you! also, i read on chameleonschool.com that,
“If you have a more densely planted cage and you want to make sure your chameleon gets a good dose of UVB then go for a 10.0.
To make it a bit simpler go for a 5.0 UVB bulb if you have a Jackson’s chameleon and a 10.0...
I recently purchased a:
Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 HO T5 UVB Lamp, 24 W, 22" L
I was wondering what light fixture could be used for my xl reptibreeze chameleon cage. I heard that some people use the:
Sunblaster 904296 NanoTech T5 High Output Fixture Reflector Combo, 2-Feet (lmao sorry for the weird...
I have a bunch of fake vines and bendable branches coming in the mail and was wondering if tying them with fishing line could be strong enough to support them in an XL reptibreeze screen cage. I heard Dragon Strand sells these ledges for branches and vines but I’m not sure if it’s worth getting...
yes my well water is softened with a salt softener. I think i’m going to opt for distilled water just to be safe :) i didn’t know chameleons could take showers! how cool 😄
I saw that they sell ambilobe panther chameleon hatchlings. How old exactly is a hatchling? I heard the earliest age you should purchase one is 3 months. Also, does anyone know if they are trustworthy / good breeders? I saw another breeder that specializes in panther chameleons that seems nice...
Im getting a chameleon soon and idk if I should use regular like spring water from a water bottle / gallon or if I can use the water from my home’s well system.