i know this would rather belong in the food's discussion forums, but i feel i would get a faster response here. so anyway:
I got some mealworms about 7-8 weeks ago, fed a little more than half of them, and then somehow misplaced the container.
just earlier today i came across it again...
they seriously used to chuck the guys into fires? thats sad..
whats going on in their heads that would make them kill such an exotic creature.
oh well that was a long time ago i suppose.
and as for hand feeding, my female loves it, thats how i feed her now, she just comes to my hand for...
My little (2 1/2 month old) male veiled chameleon attempted to bite me today when i went to take his plant out so that i could re-pot it with peat moss.
he hissed at me and then sure enough bit my ring finger.
it didnt hurt, but the little guy has so much flare for how small he is :) i...
hmm yes, where i live, i have some biiig ant problems.
i found that if you get petrolium jelly, and raid ant killer, and mix it in the correct ratio, it makes an ant repelling paste jelly. (-hmm that was a thinker..)
so i make a "moat" around the cage with shoe laces that are covered in...
sorry zinc, *males.
females tend to stay rather dull in colors.
and when your cham is basking, he turns dark colors so that he can absorb the heat, once she stops basking and cools off, he will become brighter again.
and once he gets older, he will really flare up in color
Hmm emersonc had a very good point i think. the vitamin defficiancy (err grammar?) may have a leading role to play in the problem, BUT you did say that you dusted their food.. so im really not sure.
i would just spray around in his cage alot, like Chameleonstree said, at least 5 minutes of...
hmm thats really interesting.
i noticed on my female veiled, she has 2 of those as well. but they arent nearly as large, her white spots are about the size of a sesame seed.
i suppose its just a pigment issue, glad to see that hes doing well though
hmm i dont know of any site..
i just look in the phone book and call around asking if they have anyone that specializes in (let alone, knows about) chameleons
hmm ill get a camera sometime soon.
i just redid it today, but with peat moss instead of the sand. cause it became too muddy, ill retop it with river rocks and then get a pic sometime
as for my substrate. i use about 2 inches of paper towls as a bottom layer, covered by about a half inch of sand, then lots of glass river rocks.
that way, when the water drips, it hits the rocks and then is absorbed by the sand and paper towels.
its also convenient because when...
did he eat any of the woodchips?
that can be the problem
does he lay there on his side as if hes sick, or does he fall over and get back up?
if hes been laying on his side, and not getting up, how long has he been like this?
Hmm i just think that if you put a drip system in there, he would learn to drink from that, it takes the hassle out of them trying to find a suitable leaf to drinkg from.
hmm i know this sounds bad, but if you put athletes foot powder, i mean a TINY TINY bit, on the mold, it will go away.
and the egg still hatched with a healthy veiled!
Hmm well i havent personally experienced a chameleon with a broken leg. but im sure shes going to be just fine.
you said the break was about 3 months ago? so i assume shes just fine by now, did she get a cast?