Waldo's first shed today!
My heart dropped when I seen him rub his head against the cage and open his mouth a bit. I automatically thought there was a problem till i looked more closely at him and noticed that he has skin hanging all over! Poor guy, Im going to bump his misting up a bit and...
Okay, I suppose he is eating pretty good. I'm noticing the crix disappearing, he's being cup fed now...havent witness any attempts to eat from it, but have seen him stalk the cup. Either they are escaping and hiding (cant see them) or they are in his belly. His droppings look good though...if...
Is there an age at which i should expect to see a significant growth in my Cham?
Here is a link to my introductory/How to ask for help page:
I'm assuming Waldo is around 2 months old. He doesnt look much different then he has...
Well, I shaved off about 7 inches. Its for damn sure fitting through the door now. So instead of being more square of an enclosure, its more of a rectangle. Wider then it is deep, still the same height, 6'
Like baking trays, or like the aluminum foil type? I'm thinking of making a drawer, but instead of a pull out drawer, its just going to be a hinged door that opens downwards with a tupperware drawar insde that i can pull out and dump...
Well, luckily, right now everything is held in by only screwes, I think I may take one side off the enclosure and angle it inside the house, then turn my living roon into a constructions zone. I'll all my cutting and so on outside, bring the goods inside and put them together.
After i...
Only a little progress since buying the materials on Saturday. unfortunately, but fortunately, my friends business is kicking off now that the summer is here. He runs a Handyman company, FFI (Firefighter Fix It), so while he agreed to help, he said it may be minimal with all the side jobs he...
I was actually trying to think of a way to keep my water warm as well. I've mixed a gallon of room temp water with a gallon of boiling water a few hours before the next mist and it comes out.....well too cold. Would freak me out if I was a Cham.
1/4" crickets, hard enough catching them let alone pulling their legs off. I just put about 10 in my make shift cup feeder. A 1/2 gal milk jug, back cut off with about a 1 1/2 inch depth, screen going up the back hot glued to the jug and tied off onto the back of the cage. about 7 of them got...