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  1. JackRipper

    breeding or just trying to introduce two potential mates

    A cage big enough for you and 5 others to camp in. Filled with trees (visual barriers) and shrubs plants ect.
  2. JackRipper

    breeding or just trying to introduce two potential mates

    It would have to be a decent sized green house so she can leave any tree(ficus) that he claims once she is no longer receptive. Injury will ensue
  3. JackRipper


    It's like Folgers
  4. zbj0nk6rdf241.jpg


  5. 20191205_215127.jpg


  6. JackRipper

    Show me them veils!

    Is this you?
  7. JackRipper

    Show me them veils!

    And calcium supplements :)
  8. JackRipper

    Show me them veils!

    The curve will correct itself with time as long as he switches it up.. ;) basking left and right sides. Try shifting the lights around and allow for multiple basking areas all around the basking light also allow for as much exposure to natural unfiltered sunshine as possible year around.
  9. JackRipper

    Show me them veils!

    Watch "Best Chameleon set up ever" on YouTube My miserable attempt at making a video lol Maximum effort. Playing the guitar at the same time tho soo.. ;)
  10. JackRipper

    Show me them veils!

    Check out this young Veileds thick stout and girthy casque while he enjoys a warm shower.
  11. JackRipper

    Why Chameleons Sometimes Smell Like Rotting Meat The animals use a cocktail of decomposing skin...

    Why Chameleons Sometimes Smell Like Rotting Meat The animals use a cocktail of decomposing skin and food to lure prey. chameleon-top.jpg
  12. JackRipper

    Urgent Help needed, is this a prolapse?

    Watch "SO Your male gecko has a prolapse, what should you do" on YouTube
  13. JackRipper

    Urgent Help needed, is this a prolapse?

    Awesome observation him picking up on her scent makes perfect sense. Especially seeing as how they wipe there cloacas on the branches after every movement
  14. JackRipper

    Urgent Help needed, is this a prolapse?

    I used it on one of my males that was truly prolapse wouldn't retract and he was rubbing it raw on a branch. After several soaks I applied honey, it went back in after an hour or so and the swelling went down within a few days. I could have been lucky or it could have been coincidence.
  15. JackRipper

    Urgent Help needed, is this a prolapse?

    did you use anything else besides KY jelly?
  16. JackRipper

    Urgent Help needed, is this a prolapse?

    He looks like he has some swelling.
  17. JackRipper

    Urgent Help needed, is this a prolapse?

    Can we see a few pics?
  18. JackRipper

    Urgent Help needed, is this a prolapse?

    My breeding pair seem to mirror eachother facing the same direction and sleeping in almost the exact same place in thier cages. Maybe I've watched Avatar one too many times but they seem linked. No visual contact between the two. When in separate rooms they do separate things.
  19. 20191204_171810.jpg


  20. 20191204_171806.jpg


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