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  1. ChamFreak

    amazon lights

    If I need to buy direct, I don't mind. I have a prime account its just easier. I need best you can get. I am going all out on build
  2. ChamFreak

    amazon lights

    I was hoping to get a panther, I am going to be doing my custom build and I need a really good light setup. Can you buy anything on amazon that are the top brand? I need to know what is best light system out there. I know I keep seeing acadia?? Please direct me to best setup for panthers...
  3. ChamFreak

    Back from the dead

    Awesome tips, I appreciate it greatly. I will use that wisdom for sure
  4. ChamFreak

    Back from the dead

    What I'm planning to do is use a nice armoire and then make fabrications. I am trying to figure out best way to make the inside waterproof since it is wood. The goal of course is to make a very nice so I can showcase it in our home. I planned on doing this a few years back but got busy with...
  5. ChamFreak

    Lighting/humidity for Jackson cham

    I am putting a design and a list together for my project. I came in here last and got some really great information and it seems I have found yet another product that is sold and I wanted to hear what the best possible light system I can get for my setup. I seen a zoomed Led reptisun fixture...
  6. ChamFreak

    Back from the dead

    Seems to be a trend how ever I am back with ambitions to do a custom build in a few months for a Jackson I want. So I thought I would use this time to hone in my old skills and learn the new ways of the mighty chameleon
  7. ChamFreak

    What are your "real" jobs

    I am a chemical specialist. Reactives/explosives
  8. ChamFreak

    Back from the dead

    Back from the dead
  9. ChamFreak

    Difference between a T8 and a T5 hood

    I am not meaning to highjack here, I was looking to get these new fixtures and was wondering the most reasonable price to find them. I heard about 100 bucks can get you a full setup and I was wondering where I might find a deal like that?
  10. ChamFreak

    Hello all

    I agree, I just don't want to rush into things. I am also hoping to find other breeders in South Carolina to buy direct from them. I have a lot of homework to do.
  11. ChamFreak

    Hello all

    Well I plan to have my own little breeding project so I think just to get warmed up we will get a panther or 2 and go from there. I plan to raise the food so I think I will start with that and sell the crickets to the fishermen around here and then try a worm or 2 to make sure that I can feed my...
  12. ChamFreak

    Hello all

    Hello everyone, I came back to see how things were. Looking great as always and some great new features. I am buying a new home soon and have plans to build a super cage to hold many babies and there food and I thought I should re introduce myself for the 3rd time now I guess and do a lot more...
  13. ChamFreak

    help deciding a new cage

    I keep sitting here going back and forth about what cage looks better ect. I keep looking at the canvas chams cages and dragon strand cages. I sure I will have many say both are good but investing money in a cage is serious to me since its the foundation and I want the best for my dollar. I...
  14. ChamFreak

    to many online critics, no need for it

    maybe its just me but I found it funny when people say they have done there research and then ask very basic questions. search button is your friend. also, glass cages can be a very bad thing. think for a second.. 90 degrees, humidity and closed environment.. = mold +1 for petsmart ftw lol
  15. ChamFreak


    I manage most of the hospitals pharm waste in SC. I also am a chemical specialist with a backround with biological disasters (mostly military nerve agents) I can say, the risk is real but also keep in mind it really takes a lot to be affected by this and I can tell you we already have a plan in...
  16. ChamFreak

    Dragon Strand ?'s

    thank you to both! I had prior drilled a hole on the cage and put a funnel tip and it worked pretty well, I had a little bit of standing water I was not fond of but, it wasnt much. Guess I will take a gamble and get one however, they are sold out at the moment :(
  17. ChamFreak

    Dragon Strand ?'s

    I decided to buy an enclosure, I just don't have faith in my skills to make a cage lol. I guess my question is, I want to have supreme drainage into a bucket and I am not sure how to achieve this. I will be getting a mist system so the water will be pouring in. Can anyone please show me pics...
  18. ChamFreak

    Looking to buy eggs

    I would think the risk in so many ways is way to risky for both parties. I personally think its gambling on the chameleons life and not fair. I love these guys way to much to do that even though it could be a super deal and cheaper for both parties.
  19. ChamFreak

    can someone please explain new lights

    Great information, your time is appreciated :) helped me decide what to do :)
  20. ChamFreak

    can someone please explain new lights

    Amazing reply sir, thank you!:D So basiclly if you want more lighting and better for plant life the quad is the way to go however the dual work great? Thanks a million, lots change in a year lol Now I better check to see if repashy is still best to use :D
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