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  1. Eeyore

    Houdini crickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :eek: So the past few days I have been finding crickets in my house. First, two on top of the tank. Ok, i found a little hole and taped it up. Then, one in the hall, but my kitten took care of that one. Today, one in the hall and in the bathroom. Again, kitty cat to the rescue. But when I...
  2. Eeyore

    Wrong animal ate the worms...

    Lol. Cats are real good for eating escaped insects. I have this problem that when I mist my cham's tanks, crickets will "ping" out of the cage, and sometimes I don't notice. The other day I found my kitten in the hallway, eating a cricket :)
  3. Eeyore

    how to tell

    does anyone have pics? like a gravid not gravid pic?
  4. Eeyore

    Look where I found my cham!

    He's so handsome! And those are real cute pictures.
  5. Eeyore

    My Critters

    i love the pic where the gecko is peeking out of the log! so cute!
  6. Eeyore

    Requisite Weekend Photos Four

    wow so handsome!
  7. Eeyore

    Update- Skittles

    He is so handsome! I would love a panther someday...
  8. Eeyore

    sexing pygmys?????

    Better pictures... the one on my hand is the one i am 90% sure is a gal, the brow piggie is the one i'm kind of 50/50 on... help people any ideas??:confused::confused::confused:
  9. Eeyore

    March Contest Theme

    yes such a good idea specialy for those of us with the pygmies!!
  10. Eeyore

    What camera do you all use?

    Thank you!! I figured it out and got a few nice pics that i will post in the morning!!
  11. Eeyore

    What camera do you all use?

    I'm using a Cannon Powershot A620 and all close ups of my lil guys are so blurrry!
  12. Eeyore

    What camera do you all use?

    My camera won't take good close ups, they all come out blurry:(
  13. Eeyore

    What to do in the emergency of a power outage??!!??

    do you breed your lil guys?
  14. Eeyore

    What to do in the emergency of a power outage??!!??

    lol..I don't think that my dad would go that... but luckily it's only two tanks i'm heating:D what herps do you have?
  15. Eeyore

    What to do in the emergency of a power outage??!!??

    I am asking this question because I live in the north east, and right now we are in the middle of quite the ice storm. We do have a generator, so i know that my little piggies will be ok, but what should you do in the event you don't have that generator??
  16. Eeyore

    Stupid Habba Mist...

    ]Mine dind't even work coming out of the box.. habba mist sucks.
  17. Eeyore


    Do you sell your pygmy babies? I was on your site and did not see them listed.
  18. Eeyore

    sexing pygmys?????

    Thanks for all of the help- The pics are of the two that i am 90% sure are my boys, as one of them had the other in a choke hold and I've heard that males fight. My "Naughty Britches" (his name now) is now in his own tank. That link was a lot of help, thank you. I got my pygmies from a local pet...
  19. Eeyore

    sexing pygmys?????

    what do you mean by "bulge" ? examples. sorry i know the pix are a little fuzzy, for some reason my camera wont take good close ups of them.
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