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  1. loonipper

    Chameleon pulled out her claw and is now sleeping at the bottom of the cage please help!

    can she lay them without one or is it necessary?
  2. loonipper

    Chameleon pulled out her claw and is now sleeping at the bottom of the cage please help!

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - veiled chameleon, about one year old, female, I've had her for around a month maybe 3 weeks Handling - not at all sense i got her as she has been defensive Feeding - I'm feeding her crickets, horn worms, and super worms. I just give her them straight from the...
  3. loonipper

    Chameleon pulled out her claw and is now sleeping at the bottom of the cage please help!

    Yesterday my female veiled chameleon pulled out her claw on the screen mesh on the enclosure. Her claw seems to be fine and no sign of infection but now she has been at the bottom of the enclosure with her eyes closed. Should I be concerned? *this is also my first chameleon so any other tips on...
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