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  1. M

    review my cage

    I am up to suggestions 😭😭
  2. M

    review my cage

    Actually I don't quite have one yet 😭😭 I got him only a few days ago
  3. M

    review my cage

    Overall he seems to like it. He finds it much better then the tiny one inch cube he gets at petsmart but I think I need to get a more vertical cage and add more plants definitely. At first I didnt realize how a vertical cage is so important.
  4. M

    review my cage

    Literally the best blender you barely could even seem him lol 😂
  5. M

    review my cage

    Thank you again
  6. M

    review my cage

    Ok got it
  7. M

    review my cage

    I was always wondering how many meduim-latge crickets I should feed them every day
  8. M

    review my cage

    Shoot ok
  9. M

    review my cage

  10. M

    review my cage

    I have one with d3 and I will for sure get all of these as soon as possible. Thank you so much
  11. M

    review my cage

    The temps I believe are good with cool side reaching 70f and warm side reaching high 70s to low 80s along with the humidity being about steady at a 55-65 range
  12. M

    review my cage

    Ok what is the most dire things being needed to change so I can get that done right away
  13. M

    review my cage

    I do not care thank you again
  14. M

    review my cage

    I'm a new owner and was wanting to know if my cage is ok or if it is not ok. The cage is about 120 gallons. It is about 1.5 feet tall with plenty of roaming space. I want my Chameleon to be happy so just be brutally honest. Thank you so much ❤ Pictures of the cage and of the feeder cage.
  15. M

    New Chameleon Owner

    Hi, I'm a new Chameleon owner who already loves the species. I have a Chameleon who I don't know the gender of but think a girl. I also don't know the age but I'm thinking around 2-3 months old. I was wondering how much I should be feeding them (large crickets) and if I should get anything...
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