I want to give my Mumford a shower!!!
This dry winter air is making him... slower than normal.
How old should the Cham be?
How long should the shower be?
What should the water temp be?
Any other comments welcomed!!!!
(fyi i do plan on keeping watch the whole...
Bro, you took that WAY to personally. You can disagree without picking someone's words apart. Everyone on these forums just want the best for you and your cham! <3
My baby Veiled Chameleon, Mumford, is 4-5 months old! yay! I am wondering at what age is good to start offering fruits and veggies??? AND what are the best to offer and how often to offer them?
Thank You!!!!! :D
My lil Mumford keeps getting these crusty lookin booger things in on his nostrils but never in both at the same time. This might sound odd... but what does a chameleon booger look like? His are not runny at all. I'm thinking it could be calcium deposits, if said boogers are not actually...