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  1. missmelissann21

    Rub-A-Dub-Dub! Chams in the tub?!

    I want to give my Mumford a shower!!! This dry winter air is making him... slower than normal. QUESTIONS::: How old should the Cham be? How long should the shower be? What should the water temp be? Any other comments welcomed!!!! (fyi i do plan on keeping watch the whole...
  2. missmelissann21

    At what age can a baby cham go?

    I bought mine at 2 1/2 weeks
  3. missmelissann21

    Pygmy on a Ficus

    Bro, you took that WAY to personally. You can disagree without picking someone's words apart. Everyone on these forums just want the best for you and your cham! <3
  4. missmelissann21

    my buddy Camo

    What a cutie!!!!!! :D
  5. missmelissann21

    I'm feelin' fruity!

    My baby Veiled Chameleon, Mumford, is 4-5 months old! yay! I am wondering at what age is good to start offering fruits and veggies??? AND what are the best to offer and how often to offer them? Thank You!!!!! :D
  6. missmelissann21


    My lil Mumford keeps getting these crusty lookin booger things in on his nostrils but never in both at the same time. This might sound odd... but what does a chameleon booger look like? His are not runny at all. I'm thinking it could be calcium deposits, if said boogers are not actually...
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