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  1. Chameleonpainter

    Chameleon Breeder Podcast

    its coming back in a week or 2
  2. Chameleonpainter

    Philodendron Cordatum in my Jackson's enclosure?

    Ive had one in with my jacksons for over a year and have had no problems
  3. Chameleonpainter

    Calumma Globifer

    Awesome photo
  4. Chameleonpainter

    Mt Meru beeding?

    I have a 3.5 yr old male i'd like to breed
  5. Chameleonpainter

    Mt Meru beeding?

    yes, I got a hold of Bill and he was very helpful
  6. Chameleonpainter

    hello I was wondering if you have any baby Meru's on the horizon? I have a 3.5 yr old from Craig...

    hello I was wondering if you have any baby Meru's on the horizon? I have a 3.5 yr old from Craig and I'd like to keep working with them.
  7. Chameleonpainter

    Mt Meru beeding?

  8. Chameleonpainter

    Mt Meru beeding?

    Thanks. I got the Meru I have from Craig.
  9. Chameleonpainter

    Mt Meru beeding?

    Is anyone in the U.S. Currently breeding mt Meru's?
  10. Chameleonpainter

    Comment by 'Chameleonpainter' in media 'Limeta'

    Beautiful shot!
  11. Chameleonpainter

    Carpet Chameleon Care Sheet

    thank you!
  12. Chameleonpainter

    Hello Frank, thanks for posting that lateralis care sheet. Have you posted any photos of your...

    Hello Frank, thanks for posting that lateralis care sheet. Have you posted any photos of your lateralis enclosures?
  13. Chameleonpainter

    My Chameleon painting/Art

    nice work!
  14. Chameleonpainter

    New nosy faly

    hes got really nice pattern and coloration!
  15. Chameleonpainter

    Chameleon Breeder Podcast

    This podcast was much needed! It is especially valuable to new owners trying to figure it all out. Bill has a massive amount of knowledge on the subject and this is a great way for it to travel.
  16. Chameleonpainter

    Bio shield?

    Thanks Coop!
  17. Chameleonpainter

    Bio shield?

    Has anyone used this product in chameleon enclosures?
  18. Chameleonpainter

    chameleon wishes to leave cage

    I had the same issue with one of my panthers around that age, the advice I got was... It's the teenage years. Make sure you have a good gradation of light and temp,places for him to hide etc. check out the dragonstrand custom set ups for me they have been ideal. Otherwise hang in there, my guy...
  19. Chameleonpainter

    What your Instagram account?

  20. Chameleonpainter

    some nice pictures....

    Wow..amazing photo (above)kameleons jvo! What species and sex is that?
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