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  1. Goggles

    The Cheapest way to raise silkworms

    I think the invasive problem comes from birds eating the berries with seeds in them, and dropping the feces with seeds all over the place. I have one beside my house and you sure can tell by the purple bird poop which ones have helped themselves to your berries!
  2. Goggles

    How Many?

    You have no idea...... It's just the beggining.
  3. Goggles

    How Many?

    This was a recent post that should answer your question I have 1 veiled and 1 nosy faly.
  4. Goggles

    Handling my Chameleon

    This video has been linked to before but it does give you some good tips for handling.
  5. Goggles

    time lapse video

    This video is not by me. I think it was the potatoes that sprouted.
  6. Goggles

    time lapse video

    This is a link to a time lapse video of fruit and veggies over a 74 day period with 1 picture every 40 minutes. Talk about a fruit fly culture:eek:
  7. Goggles

    U no ? i meen

    I'm just glad I'm not the only one that has a hard time reading some of the short form posts. If my Grandfather was still around he would slap you with his newspaper for sure!!;) That was yesterday's rant...I'm much better today:D
  8. Goggles

    U no ? i meen

    I'm at the point now that if it's too hard to read the post I just move on to the next. At least I know it's not just me!:o
  9. Goggles

    U no ? i meen

    Am I just old or does anyone else find it hard to read some of these posts? What is happening to the English language? Do they still teach kids to spell in school these days?:rolleyes: Sorry... that's my rant for today!!
  10. Goggles

    What are you listening too?

    Crash kings- Mountain man
  11. Goggles

    Concerned for my little guy

    That's good! The stress of transport and sitting at the show with a million people poking at him is all behind him.
  12. Goggles

    More Bobbie....

    He's lookin good Rob!
  13. Goggles

    Help with Male Chameleon Veild

    Looks more like a burn or infected bite than vitamin deficiency.
  14. Goggles

    Crickets Freakin' Stink! any suggestions on de-oderizing them?

    I think the simple answer is get some dubia roaches.
  15. Goggles

    Concerned for my little guy

  16. Goggles

    Concerned for my little guy

    Not to mention you can see the sires from Harry too.
  17. Goggles

    Concerned for my little guy

    Is the UV light tube (18") or coil, and the 60 watt heat lamp is it a "heat lamp" or a regular household light bulb?
  18. Goggles

    Mulberry Tree in Ventura County CA

    They are not all tall. I have a weeping mulberry in my yard that is similar to this Here is another
  19. Goggles

    missisauga reptile expo

    I was actually a little dissapointed with the show. Saw all the regular forum sponsors and said HI (except Harry...busy guy) but I went there for silks or hornworms and not one vendor had them Saturday. I'll probably skip the next one if all I need is feeders.:mad:
  20. Goggles

    Too much water

    I can't count how many hibiscus I've killed!!:o It seems I've got them down now and can't drain the water out of the Schef. Can't win for losin!
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