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  1. Jan2010


  2. July2410 2

    July2410 2

  3. July2410 3

    July2410 3

  4. Squiggy


  5. Goggles

    Gave my Dubia multigrain Cherrios for a treat

    WOW!!:eek:Good answer!! I would have just said sugar.;)
  6. Goggles

    How do you clean your roach bins with so many babies running around?

    If you are looking for egg flats ask your local breakfast restaurant what they do with thier's. I asked and now they save them for me. I have more than I can use!
  7. Goggles

    Habba Mister from Zoo Med

    I use a Mistking which is great. I have not tried it but have heard other people refer to it as the "Habba Dribble"
  8. Goggles

    Raiden holdback

    WOW!!!!:eek: Ziggy sure looks like his dad. Here is an update on Squiggy. It's hard to get a pic of him not pissed off. He is very protective of his cage, even if you walk by he will give you the stink eye!! Must get the attitude from Drew!;) See you in September Drew.
  9. Goggles

    Work Drama momma!

    I work in a welding shop. If anyone brings drama you hit'em with a hammer!:D
  10. Goggles

    geckco tatoo-her dad's gonna kill her

    Don't freak out mom!;) There was a day when sailors and bikers were the only ones with tatoos, but they are much more acceptable now. At least it can be covered for a job interview or something. Look on the bright least it's not a swastika between her eyes:o:eek:
  11. Goggles

    Nosy Faly Blizzard

    Nice Faly Chuck!!! He must be rich...I can't afford one girlfriend!!;)
  12. Goggles

    Raiden baby updates anyone?

    link to post
  13. Goggles

    Raiden holdback

    He's looking GREAT Drew!!!
  14. Goggles

    Looking for tips on getting cham to try new food

    The roaches seem to want to sit still or hide. I found if I shook the cup till one was on his back wiggling his legs my guys could not resist. Good luck!
  15. Goggles

    The ants are back... as well as new friends... Bed bugs.

    I was confirming what Kingjulian said about them not being steam cleaners:rolleyes:
  16. Goggles

    The ants are back... as well as new friends... Bed bugs.

    It will still work but it is definately not "steam" at that temperature. Water dosen't boil till 212 f.
  17. Goggles

    Adult pooping schedules and hydration

    Like Sandra said the best thing to help with hydration is some juicy silk worms or hornworms.
  18. Goggles

    Adult pooping schedules and hydration

    Being a Panther it is unlikely he will eat fruit. That dosen't mean he won't, but it is Veileds that will eat fruits or greens.
  19. Goggles

    How to attach vines to a screen cage?

    I do the same as Jann but instead of thumb tacks I use small stainless steel screws for adult chams and wooden dowels. You can then bend your bio vines around the dowels if you are useing them.
  20. Goggles

    questions for ppl who breed crickets as feeders?

    In this case they could hatch white and darken as they age. I have never bred crickets though.
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