Sometimes when shedding rings of shedding skin can be left behind on the limbs or tail. I've read these can cause issues of blood flow to the extremities. I think it's the best lighting source for fixtures and bulbs. Get a quad 24 inch T5 fixture or 2 dual T5 24 inch fixtures. Arcadia bulb, 5% or 10% (with a heavily planted enclosure), 2, 6.5k daylight bulbs and 1 plant pro bulb to keep the plants extra happy.
Been using regular incandescent light bulbs for over a year. No eye issues to report. I believe the pet store basking bulbs are a gimmic to make money.
Increasing humidity will help the shedding process. How old is your cham? Unless the shed is leaving rings on the tail or legs and impeding blood flow I wouldn't worry. Shedding can take days.
The basking light shouldn't heat the entire enclosure and most likely if large enough (enclosure) it won't be able to. Chams need different temps within their habitat so they will be able to regulate their bid temp. The temp gradient should be about 10 degrees from top to bottom. I go between a...
Pothos and ficus are my favorite plants to use. The pothos is hard to kill and the vines are excellent for climbing. Both ficus and pothos hold water well on their leaves. Pothos are a bit temperamental as far as change in location goes. After I put the ficus (from lllreptile) in my enclosure it...
Dubias are so very easy to breed. Heat, food, egg crates and a good sized bin. I live in Rhode Island and checked out RI craiglist and alas, someone was selling dubias. I got a some medium sized and a colony starter amount of adult males and twice as many females. I added no extra heat to my bin...
My 1.5 year old male veiled loves to patrol the enclosure including the bottom. I love to see chameleons walking on flat ground. It looks strange and funny.
Going as far as to bleach roots is a bit extreme. 1/2 the top soil and repot in organic soil with rocks covering the top is all that needs to be done (aside from washing the foliage with a mild soap). No need to use chemicals to prep a plant for a cham enclosure.
OP, Real plants not only look...
Well said. I did about 6 months of research before actully getting a chameleon. I had wanted one for at least 10 years. I agree that many new owners take responses to their questions personally. Some of it has to do with money spent on wrong or not best suited supplies. If only people included...
Not all veilds are grumpy. Also to answer your question about supplies. Get the best possible components you can. Get a mistking automated mister. It is a huge time saver and gives peace of mind. Lighting: has some of the best fixtures, bulbs and customer service. Larry is...
You've gotten solid, experienced advise and you basically dismiss all of it. People have been trying to help you because they feel bad for your reptiles. If you have taken action to correct the improper husbandry you were practicing I apologise. Use this forum as a resource and learn all you can...
As mentioned variety and quality gut loading is key to most feeders. Dubia roaches, crickets, and super worms in rotation with occasional horn worms. My adult veiled eats the bigger meals every other day, 12+ large crickets or 5-10 dubias depending on size. On the inbetween days he gets 2...
If you have a 2ftx2ftx4ft enclosure I would recommend either a 24inch quad fixture or 2, 24inch dual fixtures. Lightyourreptiles tropic blaze fixtures, as you have pictured, are excellent. Larry is absolutely excellent to work with in deciding on what you need for your cham and your plants to...