Beman would you get a UVB meter or a mistking first? I have a monsoon 2 to try and get humidity figured out (I already had it) and will get a mistking before I get a cham. Thinking the UVB might make more sense first.
I have this 2x3x4 enclosure set up. I have an exo-terra monsoon 2 that I need to get up and running. This will be temporary and I will be getting a mistking before I get a cham. I also need a fogger and a UVB meter. Here's the question: would you get the UVB meter first, or the mistking? Just to...
Done for tonight. Didn't get the mister set up but I'll get that tomorrow. Built a 1x3 frame for the top and the light is on that for now. I was getting 85-88 degrees at the basking branch just from the florescent lights so I figured I should get it up off the screen top. Getting about 80 now...
I did pull one. I read ( actually re-read) on chameleon academy to make sure to include a way for the chameleon to get to the bottom and realized I didn't have anything going to the bottom. No cham yet, probably not for at least a month if not 2 so still plenty of time to tweak.
Yeah I'm sure I'll come up with something! I'm only hand misting the plants right now so not much is making it to the pan anyway. I think I'm going to rearrange things a bit this weekend and add some branches. Then I'll get the front tilt back addressed and then get the mister set up and the...
Last shot for tonight! Dragon Strand drain pan is installed now. I'll give the drain piece I installed a chance to dry overnight before I put a tube on it. Superglued it and once that was dry I silicone it inside and outside to keep it from leaking.
It's amazing because I thought I'd be throwing away a lot of branches and grabbed "more than I'll probably need" and sure enough I don't have as many as I need! Sheesh! Well I'll have to get some more for the foreground and some in the lower part but I've got plenty of time!
The plants will have to fill in over time but this is it! I originally planed to have the full throttle feeder in the right front but it fit better in the left front. I need to place a couple of more branches near it just to make sure the miniture tree dragon can get close enough for nutrition...
I have the day off today so trying to see how much I can get done. Hope to have it ready by tonight except for the mister and the UVB bulb. No need for that for a week or so. The plants won't need it and I'm no where near ready for a Chameleon yet.