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  1. H

    My first enclosure

    I wasn't aware until I started looking at them for this project! A plywood top of the correct dimensions or even a bit larger will work too. I/4 inch is probably not strong enough even for a relatively light weight screened enclosure but 1/2 inch shod do it.
  2. H

    Looking to ID enclosure

    I found this in relation to drains in a tile shower stall: "Step 1: Floor Tile Must Slope to the Drain In a stall shower, the plumbing code requires the floor to be sloped one quarter (1/4) of an inch per foot in order to carry the water effectively to the drain. This slope, according to the...
  3. H

    Looking to ID enclosure

    I figured I would have to do some modifications. I'll want to shim it so it tilts slightly toward the back. One thing I already thought of was to have a brace from the back edge that helps to keep the enclosure stable with that backward tilt. Just a 1x3 or 4 sticking up from the back in the...
  4. H

    Looking to ID enclosure

    With a sink base you could easily just go straight down from the middle of the drain pan but I will have to go from the back and then into a container in the bottom but that won't be a problem!
  5. H

    Looking to ID enclosure

    Once it is fully set up with plants and hydration running I plan on giving it at least a month to check parameters and get a good handle on temperatures and humidity levels. Then I will make a decision on what type of Chameleon to get.
  6. H

    Looking to ID enclosure

    Yes I have been studying both the Chameleon Academy site and the dragon stand site pretty extensively. Great information on both sites. As well as here, of course! BTW I got the following at Lowes today...
  7. H

    My first enclosure

    Either way you need a top but the wider kitchen one wouldn't need one as big as the bathroom one to compensate for the narrower depth. Thinking through it I realized the kitchen one would make more sense. Your reasoning is spot on and sort of obvious but I needed to think through it myself!
  8. H

    My first enclosure

    I'm leaning that way too. I was also thinking about a bathroom vanity without a sink but so far most of them tend to be more expensive. The ones that are in the same price range as the kitchen ones come with a sink which we wouldn't need for our application. So the kitchen one without a sink is...
  9. H

    Looking to ID enclosure

    Well that will be at least a few weeks. Waiting for Dragon ledges, hydration mounts and a drainage tray. I also still need a stand for the enclosure which I am still deciding on. Once it is fully set up I plan to run it for a few weeks to get parameters set and know exactly what the environment...
  10. H

    Looking to ID enclosure

    Another part came in!
  11. H

    My first enclosure

    Not sure if you want to go this far, but this is what I am looking at. Just need a piece of plywood for a top and then paint or stain everything and you have storage...
  12. H

    Looking to ID enclosure

    Getting closer! The Vivosun 4 bulb fixture and bulbs came today. I got the Arcadia bulb last week but with it I've got light and uvb covered!
  13. H

    Help with new enclosure

    Ah! Even a better one!
  14. H

    Help with new enclosure

    Something like this could work?
  15. H

    Help with new enclosure

    Oh boy you are correct. First time I read it I thought it said 2x2x4 not the 30 inches. So unfortunately Dragon Strand won't have one. Sorry about that!
  16. H

    Ficus tree

    That's a nice one! Front and top screened? If so I'm not sure what bio- active will do for you. Please understand I'm somewhat new with all this and I am in the process of putting an enclosure together. From what I can gather bio-active is not done as much with chameleon set-ups as it is with...
  17. H

    Ficus tree

    Not sure about temperature requirements for ficus, I've never had one. Most house plants can stand temperatures down to 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) at least for a period of time. Months? Probably not, but a few days to a couple of weeks should be manageable. If you are using a glass enclosure then...
  18. H

    Ficus tree

    I would check out: lots of great advice there.
  19. H

    Help with new enclosure

    Go to they have ones you can buy. You can get them for brands other than dragon strand so you should be able to get one that will work with an older model.
  20. H

    Ficus tree

    Also listen to this podcast by Bill Strand: Check out "Plant Care Basics with Bonnie Person" via web:
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