I'm in the process of registering to this site in order to post my concerns. It's very complicated and I'm still struggling to jump thru hoops. I'm old here!! It's very complicated!! :notworthy::confused:
Either way, this guy runs a business and his response to a customer who paid twice the amount of the product to get expedited shipping, is simply not acceptable. He has my money, and I'm still sitting here waiting for the simple product I ordered.
I started to, then he replied with that, which got me right in the feelers. I'm torn now, but he still runs a business and should never make a response like that towards someone, like myself, that would be a very dependable repeat customer. He could be full of shit for all I know. Either way...
His response to my last email: "Sorry for the snappy response , I lost my uncle yesterday and yes it should have been more professional..
Have a great day"
My response, yes it's true:
"I can sympathize. I just lost a good friend on Tuesday that I've known since preschool. I'm sorry for your loss"
I haven't asked for my $12.19 expedited shipping fee yet, on an order of $6.10. I almost don't dare according to his first response! It's bogus!! I'll attach a copy of my response to his tho. I tried to be as professional, yet poignant as possible.
Bok choi would be good! Mine have been feasting on strawberry leaves from plants I have. Since I'm STILL waiting for the hornworm chow I ordered, this has been what they prefer, over several other fruit/veggie leaves from my garden.
I'm in the same boat as you!! They do turn into Hawkeye moths. I have 2 in cocoons but feel the same, don't have much faith in my ability to breed them either! I'm sitting here fingers crossed, just hoping to get a moth this time! Lol. Either way I agree with you, it's very exciting watching...
I recently ordered hornworms and hornworm chow from this supplier. The worms I've already received, but the chow I ordered and paid extra for expedited shipping. I did place my order last Sunday, the 21st, and it just shipped yesterday, 4 days later, expected to get here "by the 30th". Has...
@Nursemaia: how long do you leave the cocoons in the original dirt before moving them? I think Ive read about a week? I have 2 full cocoons, today is only day 2 for that tho. I kinda dug down to get one and it started thrashing around so I left it! :eek:
So far my female veiled (about 6-7 months) has never tried to bite, hiss, or really seemed aggressive. She just moves away from me if I try to get her out. So, I leave her door open and she comes out on her own, if she wants to. Even when she's out, I almost always use a wooden dowel for her to...
Omg turtles and frogs! I love them both. One of these days I'm going to visit a reptile show and likely bring home a few new additions and spend a small fortune as well. Thanks for sharing the pics!
I have a reptile tank that's just sitting empty so I'm excited to turn that into my new hornworm brothel lol. So maybe a pothos to put in there with them? Also, what ratio did you use for sugar water? I've heard 1/2 -1 cup sugar to like 3 cups water?