I think I'm still on the high of having a lycaendae caterpillar turn to a butterfly. (This info provided by Spyro88) he/she was right on about the type of worm I had. I've dealt with hornworms since I was a kid but I'm so ready to pupate them.
I read a blog that said use Eco soil and soft coconut fiber came up on my search. I already have that, but is this something different? I have a bin ready for when they turn dull and I can see the dorsal spine pulse. I've also read where some use damp paper towels, which I tried first go around.
If only you were in Texas, I'd buy them from you! I'd love to try silkworms with my Cham. Those are next on my/her list. Good luck! I'm sure someone will be willing to take them off your hands!
I used to own cockatiels and know they have "emery boards" that are actually sheets that wrap around perches/dowels. I'm curious if these could work or if they would irritate a chameleon's feet. My cham's nails have gotten pretty long too and it reminded me of these. Any ideas?
lately there have been some good pics that owners have shared showing the weird/funny things their chams do. I love it, and wanted to start this thread so that everyone can share a funny/candid pic of their chams. Here's one of mine, back when I thought my female was a male. Totally...
Congrats! I think that's awesome and you're a very good pick! Every time I see your "username" I'm very curious what you have to say/what your advice is. Thank you for all that you do and the time you devote to this forum.
So I saw your post about 14-16 coming out. That's too cool! Post more pics please for us baby pic lovers! I'd love to see the little babes....congrats on so many and definitely keep us posted on the jumbo ones. I'm so curious to see what comes out of those :D
I received a batch of hornworms today and as expected, several are about full grown and way too big for my chameleon. She did get 2 smaller ones and was very happy about it(Chloe loves hornworms) This brings me to my 2nd attempt at pupating these boogers. I considered setting the large ones free...
Chloe will do the same thing. Once they taste that sweet, sweet freedom the cage is just that. Chloe is currently asleep out of her cage but she's "hiding" behind my tv, not likely to move till morning so I'm leaving her for now.
Yes!! Good advice. I've had to watch my Chloe too around the lights. I turn them off when she comes out but have to watch and redirect her when she gets close to them before they cool off.