So the more I read it seems the less I know. Every time people talk about building trust with their chams, they always mention hand feeding. What’s the best way to go about that, I’ve tried to hold a cricket on my flat palm but my Cham seems uninterested, and won’t take it. The crickets also...
So I was looking around Charmeleons cage and I spotted some moss in the potted plants soil, I was wondering if this is dangerous for my little baby veiled? And what to do about it if it is
If it’s a plant hat can handle it, I usually put them upside down in a tub of warm water with dish soap for about five minutes, then I spray it down, and repeat the process a few times
I don’t know if I’m being annoying, but I just really love talking about my little buddy. His name is Charmeleon like the Pokémon. He seems to be doing a lot better in his new home, he’s now comfortable enough to eat and drink in front of us. I’ve fed him 12-13 calcium calcium covered crickets...
ok, so I know I’ve already posted today, but I walked into my chameleon room and my chams mouth was open. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t aggressive as there was nothing else in the room at the time, and he didn’t have his worth open as much as he could. I think it might be the temperature being too...
Ok, so this is the first time I've owned a chameleon, and I have just a few questions. I've read all the instructions about what the temperature and humidity have to be, and what plants I can and can't put in his enclosure, but I'm just not sure what to expect behavior wise. So far he seems to...