Shes hanging in there. She wont eat or drink on her own but I grabbed some filter (blunt) needles from work and have given her some fluids and I even got her to eat a tiny part of a cricket! It's been storming pretty bad here in sw missouri all day but the sun is out now so I may take her...
What about facebook? I don't plan on posting anything to facebook?
And thank you, I was afraid so. I've done all my research as I've been preparing to get a chameleon for a while. I just couldn't leave her to die in her previous owner's care.
Alright guys,
I posted 2 days ago about a baby veiled chameleon I rescued from a bad home. I'm going to add some pictures and I need your opinions. I took her to a vet who had no knowledge of reptiles and I'm afraid in my area they were my only option. It's very obvious she has MBD. I've taken...
I THOUGHT SHE WAS A FEMALE but the lady swore up and down it was a male (goes to show how little she knew). I don't mean to sound dark but, is there hope? What do you suggest I do?
Hi guys!
I was just approved for this forum and I am so thankful. Long story short, I brought home my first chameleon yesterday that I got off of a herpetology page on Facebook. It was an amazing deal and I just couldn't pass it up. I've owned other reptiles before but have always wanted a...