And this is her happily back in her cage. Finally got what I think is a good amount of foliage in there, although one of the plants isn't make it and I will be replacing it tomorrow.
I was able to have Edith out of her cage tonight in a somewhat relaxed fashion (I am guessing since her colors didn't seem to go through the roof like they have in the past when I have tried to let her be out) and I managed to get some good up close pictures! She got a little brighter green...
I just ordered my first bulk order of 500 crickets from Top hat cricket farm and added in 12 hornworms since there is no place to get them locally anyways. Even with shipping added in and if half of the crickets die instead of being fed it was less expensive than it is to get them each week at...
I just discovered that the New England reptile expo is next month. words cannot say how excited I am- it is only three hours from where I live!!!! I will finally get to see other breeds of chameleons in person! I have only ever seen my two veileds. I wonder if I can convince my husband that...
Wow I could have written this exact thread! I bought my girls on 8/2 as a birthday present for myself.... Total spur of the moment purchase as I had always wanted one but literally knew nothing about them. (I know, horrible idea!). I was told they were 4-6 weeks old. I was also told they...
The top pic is the 'after' and the bottom the 'before'. I don't think you can put in too much, but I was worried that they wouldn't be able to find thei crickets so I add a feeder cup to each cage as well. I have a bunch more still to do, just have to pickup more!
i was curious as to how often veiled chams shed? I was told that mine were born at the beginning of July and they have each shed successfully once, about two weeks apart. It happened very quickly for each, in the morning there was no sign of shedding and y the end of the day the bottom of...
It looks like all of the foliage is towards the bottom of the cage....I would add leaves and plants near the top where they like to hang out, perhaps then he will be more comfortable. I recently received similar advice here for my cages and it made a huge difference