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  1. jurjenfromholland

    PLS HELP! my new panther isnt shooting

    I have no clue realy.. has it something to do with a earlie stage of MDB"??? .... it makes no sense.. eating good colours good everything is good... well since he is in my hands.. that is
  2. jurjenfromholland

    PLS HELP! my new panther isnt shooting

    So... i got my new amilobe panther... saturday and he was eating and drinking allot so i feeded him his feeders right away with +3d powder to make sure he gets that into his system.. now we are a few days further.. and he did.. spit his tong out... like 15 cms or something and swallowed it...
  3. jurjenfromholland

    New panther from HAMM germany! meet skittels!!

    Pulled leggs of the locust smalles Size availbe he can take them Easly .. :D mabye this one is a bit bigger but thw rest Is way smaller.. ;-)
  4. jurjenfromholland

    New panther from HAMM germany! meet skittels!!

    Im guesing 3 to 4 months.. The tjechien people werent very talky to me Hahah ye he has the craziets colours white belly With red dots.. yellow blue and red bars and green Hahaha its a rainbow not sure mabye a mix of A ambanjana and a amibole time will tell
  5. jurjenfromholland

    New panther from HAMM germany! meet skittels!!

    so this is my amibilobe... male panther chameleon atleast! :p thats what he has been sold to me... but when he isnt basking he has the weirdest colouring... white belly with red dots ... blue marking from nek to the middel... bit yellowish to... but when he is basking he has green and...
  6. jurjenfromholland

    My big boy MO!!! :D bit pissed of his new branches! but...

    Yep they can be kinda affraid for new stuff hahah
  7. jurjenfromholland

    My big boy MO!!! :D bit pissed of his new branches! but...

    my grumpy but o so friendly buddy the one and only MO!!! :D new branches.. in front of him in the morning and he Hated it!! ;) mwhuahuha almost 4 years now ;)
  8. jurjenfromholland

    REPTIshow germany HAMM!! ??who goes???

    Ye i heared its croweded... pfff well we are driving at 7 o clock in the morning then il be there round 10ish... pfff well we see
  9. jurjenfromholland

    REPTIshow germany HAMM!! ??who goes???

    sooo this weekend is the biggest reptile show of europe.. they call it HAMM.... so i am just wondering who is ever been there or who is going there?? gonna search my self a second chameleon a Ambanja! lets hope i can find my self a handsome dude!! :P that sounded awkward... but what...
  10. jurjenfromholland

    WC Ambanja Drastic color Change

    that is awkward.. if you ask me he looked better at the first picture... strange
  11. jurjenfromholland

    How to sex a panther Cham?

    Looks like a male to me
  12. jurjenfromholland

    arcadias t5 6% ????

    Are you sure..?? Even with the mesh on top..??
  13. jurjenfromholland

    arcadias t5 6% ????

    is this the best long tube uvb that there is??? or should i go for a stronger one or the desert on instead of the forest one because of the mesh?? thx already!! :D
  14. jurjenfromholland

    ELDER veiled?

    thx ! mate ! well not realy much about the worry then.. could get another heat bulb... to see how he respawns to that.. but i just gues he isnt hungry yesterday he ate 1 locust today 1 superworm... so he will eat only not that much anymore
  15. jurjenfromholland

    ELDER veiled?

  16. jurjenfromholland

    ELDER veiled?

    But i mean what is less ..?? Talking bout 1 or 2 locusts every other day middle seized or ??
  17. jurjenfromholland

    ELDER veiled?

    Noone??? :(
  18. jurjenfromholland

    White head veiled

    translucent.. or shed
  19. jurjenfromholland

    ELDER veiled?

    Is it true that elder male veiled like... 3 years and beyond... eat less? and go earlier into sleep mode??? my male seems to act bit sleepy at 19:00 ish... the lights get on at 10:00 got him new light uvb tube instead of the reptisun bulb inside of his cage... and he is acting bit...
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