i got a lucky reptile one 120 wide 60 depth
100 high and its for my veiled all glass except the topp thats screen
with pre holes in it for nozzles etc...
it was 280 euros
i checked out the kammerflage website
and in addition i have a veiled they have a
panther palace kit they sell and they are working
with 30" ReptiSun Terrarium Hood
24" ReptiSun 5.0 Bulb
now i wanna get my a hood like that or the exo terra one that can hold
2 uvb long lights...
okee thats allot of reading .. was away for a few days so had some time to check some things out.. first things first...
i went to germany to the biggest pet shop in europe ( i live in holland )
and saw there the (monsoone) here comes the trouble haha
i m working atm with the habba mist...
so after 10 months in my new home its time to
fix my chameleon cage....
he needs a little upgrade here and there where i dindt had the time
for when we moved in .. as you can see on the picture 2 lights are on
top on the left and right.. and 1 light in the cage.. yes i know its bad.. but...
finnaly something positive!!!
i like to hear that .. for me its a finnal option
to try out if litterly tryed everything...
so im gonna ttry to buy a waterfall that has some
black filter for the some bigger dirt and will ad a fine filter in the bottom
and il do some water clean ups it all...
everyone knows the bad side ...
like i written down.. i wanna hear some good solution the fix
the problem .. ;) and this is what i came up with ...
i know waterfall isnt the best but if it works it works...
he never drinks.. i know that.. ;) bye now..
so i need to get a good filtration and...
okay so if readed allot of stuff loads negative
some postive about getting a waterfall for chameleons
now if tryed everything and trust me i did..
from spraying with hot and cold water hand spraying gently on the nose
till shower and dripper... my chameleon.. HATES being sprayed...
haha this picture is taken from my pc closet and this is always when
he wants to get out.. thats mostly 5 times a day when im at home its a veiled one ;)
2 bulbs of zoomed 1 100watt and 1 150 watt that i reduce with a dimmer switch
works for me powersun was awesome but became to hot and started to flikker..
working with a 5.0 uvb bulb from exo terra atm but wanna get a tube form
anyone know any good ones? and shal i get 2 tubes or just 1??
14-09-2013 then is the show in hamm
never been there planning to go this year for first time
2 and half our driver for me so... hope its good.. haha
any cham breeders there ???
so im gonna get a Ambanja'x'Sambava
but... i wanna get some info first about them
what kind of colours do they mostly have and
i wanna know what people think about them
and mabye that you guys/girls have some kind of
this panther and can show me yours!! :D
i have a veiled now for over 2...
so we ran out of feeders and i had 2 mices in the fridge...
they are like 6 cms.. my veiled loves them...
but they seem not that health or are they? pinkies have no bones
but mice has?? any advice? my little mate loves them :D
so today i was takeing allot of plants out of the garden
and found some odd worms.. 2 look like tebo's to me..
and other 1 is a hornworm.. thats what i think because he is green
and the other brownish one i think is a silkworm.. or any kind of silkworm..
he only releases some green liquid...
this morning my chameleon woke up..
and was little bit grumpy.. he is always grumpy..
in the morning.. just like my girlfriend :P
but further from that he is awesome! its a veiled..
but when i wasnt even close to his cage he couldnt see me..
i heard a hising sound.. and a yawn after.. do...