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  1. Lizzy Laid Eggs!

    Lizzy Laid Eggs!

  2. dante8858

    Citron Cockatoo

    Just make sure it is really something that you want...they live forever!!! I had a friend who had her grandmothers Macaw!!! I guess I better start thinking who I will pass Pico to when I die! If you do choose to get one make sure you handle him/her a lot!!! It can be very hard to undo just a...
  3. dante8858

    Citron Cockatoo

    well if I wasn't at work right now I would show you what she did to the other side of the counter!!! :mad:She got out of her new cage one day when I was just going to walmart and climbed the drawers to get on top of the counter....the thing is she destroyed the top two drawers....made...
  4. dante8858

    Mellers lobe!!!

    He was basking in the sun in those photos but he gets a very pretty green with no spots...he was probably stressed being outside since it had been months! If it is a burn how do you treat it?
  5. dante8858

    Citron Cockatoo

    I hear you there!!! I have a blue and gold Macaw named Pico....when I get home it sounds like we live in a jungle!!! Here she is hanging out on the counter trying to figure out how to get down! She doesn't know how to fly!!
  6. dante8858

    Mellers lobe!!!

    I hope someone can help me with my Mellers question. A few days ago I noticed that one of the lobes on my Mellers looked a different color and shriveled up a little compared to the other side. I took my Mellers out and the Shriveled up lobe is hard! I don’t want to get too freaked out but what...
  7. dante8858

    Sulking, confusion, plant rotation

    I have to Mellers freaked out when I took out his dead ficus and replaced it with a new one. Everything else I put back in their previous spots and he wouldn't walk arcoss his vines to get to the heat. He was rubbing his nose on the top of the cage and everything. I had to place...
  8. dante8858

    My Zoo

    I thought that I would share photos of my zoo.... Da Kota 13 years old Mylo 13 years old Cosmo 3 years old Oscar past on but not forgotten Dante 8 years old Zeke 5 years old Hoover going to be 4 years old Pico 12 years old I don't have any photos of the two hissing...
  9. dante8858

    Stella the Hedgehog

    Illegal here too...but my sister has one anyways!!! They are rough on the hand when in bad moods, neat though when they hiss!!
  10. dante8858

    Cuddles the Water Dragon-new addition

    I used to have two (Little D and Tito)....I loved them they have such great personalities....Little D was a wild man and he loved to just hang out on the back of the couch (I got him when he was tiny!) Tito was more the I'll sit and watch everyone around me....Man I miss those guys! Have fun...
  11. dante8858

    Meet Bubble!

    SO Cute I wished they were legal here!!! I would get a few!!!
  12. dante8858

    Lighting questions

    Ok my new pygmy home is all set up but I can't seem to get it warm enough in their new home...from what I read they like it in the low to mid 70's with a 10 degree drop at night. I bought the smallest watt bulb that I could find in my area which was a blue daytime heat 40 watt bulb and it got...
  13. dante8858

    My New Chams Izzy & Lizzy

    Ok here is the new set up for my new chams Izzy & Lizzy. I have since taken out the green dish....was worried that they wouldn't find the food! Let's just say that isn't a problem! Here are a few photos of Izzy (Lizzy is a bit more shy about coming out into the open! Other than the first photo...
  14. dante8858

    What are your chameleons names?

    Ichi Nazo (Mellers) Izzy & Lizzy (Pygmys)
  15. Izzy Looking For Food!

    Izzy Looking For Food!

  16. My Pygmys New Home!

    My Pygmys New Home!

  17. Izzy & Lizzy, My New Pygmys!

    Izzy & Lizzy, My New Pygmys!

  18. dante8858

    My New Chams!!!

    Yep I sure did! Sorry I am a bit tired from all that looking today! lol
  19. dante8858

    My New Chams!!!

    Well I did it...I didn't want to but I did! I was in the LA area today and decided to drag myself to the show.....and even though I didn't really have the money:) I walked out with two Pygmy chams (not sure which type), a couple of hissing roaches, some reptiaid (thanks Sang!),and 1000+...
  20. dante8858

    Happy Halloween

    That's what I figured but I thought I would ask since one of his fav. spots is my face and head.
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