well she layed about 10 more after i quickly changed to the cage around... and then she dug out the hole she just layed the eggs in kickin them all over the place... i was so very confused
hey guys and girls!! im happy to report that electra is happy and healthy:D ill post some new pictures in a few days :D :D :D
Thanks again guys and girls!!
ill be around
all those options are good... till winter hits... im up in canada so i cant leave her outside... but im working on getting a big tall cage to put her in... im think about making something of of an old book case... ill post some pics once i figure it out
and as for the brown colour she is...
i am going to be getting a better cage for her sooon... she seems to be alright in it for now alot better then what she had... and im trying to get something in there so she can ley the eggs but she wont let me anywhere near the cage without freaking
im going to get some pictures of the new setup and her and post them when i get a chance tomorrow and i have some pictures of her beofre in the old cage 2
well im not 100% on how old she is... she is full grown if i am correct and she was in that cage i moved her out of for a few months and when i bought her i got her cage and all so it isnt like i moved from the store to a cage to a bigger cage and the yellow things are about half inch to 3/4 of...
hey guys and girls. I got a vailed chameleon a few weeks ago and i just moved her into a new much bigger cage... i think somethign is wrong though:confused:... she was green and would let me put my hand in the cage... now i cant even go near the cage without her freaking out she hisses puffs up...