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  1. dom1959

    Firnen's Big Escape

    i love it when they do that stuff! thanks for sharing!
  2. dom1959

    Peek a Boo!

    awesome pic!:D
  3. dom1959

    Looking for a chameleon.

    my newest cham is a graceful... really love him, really chill cham, he likes to come out and sit on my shoulder. got him from terry lund she has an ad in the classified area. but whatever you get, get him from a breeder on here you will be happy you did!
  4. dom1959

    Hornworms (The Horn)

    short answer... no.:D
  5. dom1959

    mikhail hanging out...

    thanks, these guys are great chams! you described them perfectly. terry lund on the forum here did a great job with breeding and raising them, imo:D
  6. dom1959

    mikhail hanging out...

    the couch and a small hibiscus.....
  7. dom1959

    Sage's 6 Month Old Photos

    fantastic veiled! thx for sharing!
  8. dom1959

    sacramento show pic up

    stunning pick up! congrats!
  9. dom1959

    New panther chameleon owner!

    congrats! welcome to the addiction:D:D:D
  10. dom1959

    He's here!

    congrats! thanks for sharing pics! we love pics!
  11. dom1959

    More new guys & gals..

    they are awfully cute!
  12. dom1959

    Hera (Parsonii girl) Having Surgery

    great news! hoping for more good things for your chams!
  13. dom1959

    Nacho update

    he's a looker alright!
  14. dom1959

    New pic of Smidget

    nice cham! thanks for sharing!
  15. dom1959

    Misting schedule ok?

    what kind of cham? for sure you could add one more that lasts a little longer...
  16. dom1959

    Remi sunbathing

    pretty cham! we really need to work on an az group!
  17. dom1959

    New member in PA :)

    welcome to we are a friendly group... my name is dom and i have a problem:D
  18. dom1959

    After nice warm shower

    luv ur veiled, congrats!
  19. dom1959

    Place to buy semi bulk crickets?

    agree:D more chams needed.
  20. dom1959

    Misbehaving chameleons

    thanks for sharing! sweet pics!
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